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feat(docs): Improve directory structure pages by adding links (fix: #…
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…13993) (#14993)

* docs(docs/components): Add hyperlink support in DocTree component

Add support for internal as well as external links, for the nodes of DocTree component.

* docs(quasar-cli-vite): Add hyperlinks in directory structure tree

Add relevant hyperlinks for nodes of DocTree in directory-structure page under quasar-cli-vite section.

* docs(quasar-cli-webpack): Add hyperlinks in directory structure tree

Add relevant hyperlinks for nodes of DocTree in directory-structure page under quasar-cli-webpack.

Co-authored-by: Abhinav Mishra <>
  • Loading branch information
weevil111 and Abhinav Mishra committed Jan 3, 2023
1 parent 74a834d commit 69872e8
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 3 changed files with 58 additions and 47 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion docs/src/components/DocTree.vue
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
q-tree.doc-tree(:nodes="nodes" node-key="id" children-key="c" default-expand-all dense)
.doc-tree__label.text-weight-bold.text-no-wrap {{ prop.node.l }}
doc-link(v-if="prop.node.r" :to="prop.node.r") {{ prop.node.l }}
template(v-else) {{ prop.node.l }}
.doc-tree__explanation.text-grey.q-ml-sm(v-if="prop.node.e") # {{ prop.node.e }}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,4 +40,7 @@ export default {
font-size: .9em
font-size: .7em
& .q-icon
font-size: 0.9em
margin-top: -2px
49 changes: 26 additions & 23 deletions docs/src/pages/quasar-cli-vite/
Expand Up @@ -5,23 +5,24 @@ scope:
l: '.'
c: [
{ l: 'public', e: 'Pure static assets (directly copied)' },
{ l: 'public', e: 'Pure static assets (directly copied)', r: '/quasar-cli-vite/handling-assets#static-assets-public' },
{ l: 'src',
c: [
{ l: 'assets/', e: 'Dynamic assets (processed by Vite)' },
{ l: 'components/', e: '.vue components used in pages & layouts' },
{ l: 'assets/', e: 'Dynamic assets (processed by Vite)', r: '/quasar-cli-vite/handling-assets#regular-assets-src-assets' },
{ l: 'components/', e: '.vue components used in pages & layouts', r: '/start/how-to-use-vue#vue-single-file-components-sfc-' },
{ l: 'css',
e: 'CSS/Sass/... files for your app',
c: [
{ l: 'app.sass' },
{ l: 'quasar.variables.sass', e: 'Quasar Sass variables for you to tweak' }
{ l: 'quasar.variables.sass', e: 'Quasar Sass variables for you to tweak', r: '/style/sass-scss-variables#introduction' }
{ l: 'layouts/', e: 'Layout .vue files' },
{ l: 'layouts/', e: 'Layout .vue files', r: '/layout/layout' },
{ l: 'pages/', e: 'Page .vue files' },
{ l: 'boot/', e: 'Boot files (app initialization code)' },
{ l: 'boot/', e: 'Boot files (app initialization code)', r: '/quasar-cli-vite/boot-files' },
{ l: 'router',
e: 'Vue Router',
r: '/quasar-cli-vite/routing',
c: [
{ l: 'index.js', e: 'Vue Router definition' },
{ l: 'routes.js', e: 'App Routes definitions' }
Expand All @@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ scope:
l: 'stores',
e: 'Pinia Stores (if not using Vuex)',
r: '/quasar-cli-vite/state-management-with-pinia',
c: [
{ l: 'index.js', e: 'Pinia initialization' },
{ l: '<store>', e: 'Pinia stores...' },
Expand All @@ -39,21 +41,22 @@ scope:
l: 'store',
e: 'Vuex Store (if not using Pinia)',
r: '/quasar-cli-vite/state-management-with-vuex',
c: [
{ l: 'index.js', e: 'Vuex Store definition' },
{ l: '<folder>', e: 'Vuex Store Module...' },
{ l: '<folder>', e: 'Vuex Store Module...' }
{ l: 'App.vue', e: 'Root Vue component of your App' }
{ l: 'App.vue', e: 'Root Vue component of your App', r: '' },
{ l: 'index.template.html', e: 'Template for index.html' },
{ l: 'index.html', e: 'Template for index.html' },
{ l: 'src-ssr/', e: 'SSR specific code (like production Node webserver)' },
{ l: 'src-pwa/', e: 'PWA specific code (like Service Worker)' },
{ l: 'src-cordova/', e: 'Cordova generated folder used to create Mobile Apps' },
{ l: 'src-electron/', e: 'Electron specific code (like "main" thread)' },
{ l: 'src-bex/', e: 'BEX (browser extension) specific code (like "main" thread)' },
{ l: 'src-ssr/', e: 'SSR specific code (like production Node webserver)', r: '/quasar-cli-vite/developing-ssr/introduction' },
{ l: 'src-pwa/', e: 'PWA specific code (like Service Worker)', r: '/quasar-cli-vite/developing-pwa/introduction' },
{ l: 'src-cordova/', e: 'Cordova generated folder used to create Mobile Apps', r: '/quasar-cli-vite/developing-cordova-apps/introduction' },
{ l: 'src-electron/', e: 'Electron specific code (like "main" thread)', r: '/quasar-cli-vite/developing-electron-apps/introduction' },
{ l: 'src-bex/', e: 'BEX (browser extension) specific code (like "main" thread)', r: '/quasar-cli-vite/developing-browser-extensions/introduction' },
{ l: 'dist',
e: 'Where production builds go',
c: [
Expand All @@ -63,16 +66,16 @@ scope:
{ l: '...' }
{ l: 'quasar.config.js', e: 'Quasar App Config file' },
{ l: '.gitignore', e: 'GIT ignore paths' },
{ l: '.editorconfig', e: 'EditorConfig file' },
{ l: '.eslintignore', e: 'ESLint ignore paths' },
{ l: '.eslintrc.js', e: 'ESLint config' },
{ l: 'postcss.config.js', e: 'PostCSS config' },
{ l: 'jsconfig.json', e: 'Editor config (if not using TypeScript)' },
{ l: 'tsconfig.json', e: 'TypeScript config' },
{ l: 'package.json', e: 'npm scripts and dependencies' },
{ l: '', e: 'Readme for your website/App' }
{ l: 'quasar.config.js', e: 'Quasar App Config file', r: '/quasar-cli-vite/quasar-config-js' },
{ l: '.gitignore', e: 'GIT ignore paths', r: '' },
{ l: '.editorconfig', e: 'EditorConfig file', r: '' },
{ l: '.eslintignore', e: 'ESLint ignore paths', r: '' },
{ l: '.eslintrc.js', e: 'ESLint config', r: '' },
{ l: 'postcss.config.js', e: 'PostCSS config', r: '' },
{ l: 'jsconfig.json', e: 'Editor config (if not using TypeScript)', r: '' },
{ l: 'tsconfig.json', e: 'TypeScript config', r: '' },
{ l: 'package.json', e: 'npm scripts and dependencies', r: '' },
{ l: '', e: 'Readme for your website/App', r: '' }
This is the structure of a project with all modes installed. There's no reason to be intimidated though!
Expand Down
49 changes: 26 additions & 23 deletions docs/src/pages/quasar-cli-webpack/
Expand Up @@ -5,25 +5,26 @@ scope:
l: '.'
c: [
{ l: 'public', e: 'Pure static assets (directly copied)' },
{ l: 'public', e: 'Pure static assets (directly copied)', r: '/quasar-cli-webpack/handling-assets#static-assets-public' },
l: 'src',
c: [
{ l: 'assets/', e: 'Dynamic assets (processed by Webpack)' },
{ l: 'components/', e: '.vue components used in pages & layouts' },
{ l: 'assets/', e: 'Dynamic assets (processed by Webpack)', r: '/quasar-cli-webpack/handling-assets#regular-assets-src-assets' },
{ l: 'components/', e: '.vue components used in pages & layouts', r: '/start/how-to-use-vue#vue-single-file-components-sfc-' },
l: 'css',
e: 'CSS/Sass/... files for your app',
c: [
{ l: 'app.sass' },
{ l: 'quasar.variables.sass', e: 'Quasar Sass variables for you to tweak' }
{ l: 'quasar.variables.sass', e: 'Quasar Sass variables for you to tweak', r: '/style/sass-scss-variables#introduction' }
{ l: 'layouts/', e: 'Layout .vue files' },
{ l: 'layouts/', e: 'Layout .vue files', r: '/layout/layout' },
{ l: 'pages/', e: 'Page .vue files' },
{ l: 'boot/', e: 'Boot files (app initialization code)' },
{ l: 'boot/', e: 'Boot files (app initialization code)', r: '/quasar-cli-webpack/boot-files' },
{ l: 'router',
e: 'Vue Router',
r: '/quasar-cli-webpack/routing',
c: [
{ l: 'index.js', e: 'Vue Router definition' },
{ l: 'routes.js', e: 'App Routes definitions' }
Expand All @@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ scope:
l: 'stores',
e: 'Pinia Stores (if not using Vuex)',
r: '/quasar-cli-webpack/state-management-with-pinia',
c: [
{ l: 'index.js', e: 'Pinia initialization' },
{ l: '<store>', e: 'Pinia stores...' },
Expand All @@ -41,21 +43,22 @@ scope:
l: 'store',
e: 'Vuex Store (if not using Pinia)',
r: '/quasar-cli-webpack/state-management-with-vuex',
c: [
{ l: 'index.js', e: 'Vuex Store definition' },
{ l: '<folder>', e: 'Vuex Store Module..' },
{ l: '<folder>', e: 'Vuex Store Module..' }
{ l: 'App.vue', e: 'Root Vue component of your App' },
{ l: 'App.vue', e: 'Root Vue component of your App', r: '' },
{ l: 'index.template.html', e: 'Template for index.html' }
{ l: 'src-ssr/', e: 'SSR specific code (like production Node webserver)' },
{ l: 'src-pwa/', e: 'PWA specific code (like Service Worker)' },
{ l: 'src-cordova/', e: 'Cordova generated folder used to create Mobile Apps' },
{ l: 'src-electron/', e: 'Electron specific code (like "main" thread)' },
{ l: 'src-bex/', e: 'BEX (browser extension) specific code (like "main" thread)' },
{ l: 'src-ssr/', e: 'SSR specific code (like production Node webserver)', r: '/quasar-cli-webpack/developing-ssr/introduction' },
{ l: 'src-pwa/', e: 'PWA specific code (like Service Worker)', r: '/quasar-cli-webpack/developing-spa/introduction' },
{ l: 'src-cordova/', e: 'Cordova generated folder used to create Mobile Apps', r: '/quasar-cli-webpack/developing-cordova-apps/introduction' },
{ l: 'src-electron/', e: 'Electron specific code (like "main" thread)', r: '/quasar-cli-webpack/developing-electron-apps/introduction' },
{ l: 'src-bex/', e: 'BEX (browser extension) specific code (like "main" thread)', r: '/quasar-cli-webpack/developing-browser-extensions/introduction' },
{ l: 'dist',
e: 'Where production builds go',
c: [
Expand All @@ -65,17 +68,17 @@ scope:
{ l: '...' }
{ l: 'quasar.config.js', e: 'Quasar App Config file' },
{ l: 'babel.config.js', e: 'Babeljs config' },
{ l: '.editorconfig', e: 'EditorConfig file' },
{ l: '.eslintignore', e: 'ESLint ignore paths' },
{ l: '.eslintrc.js', e: 'ESLint config' },
{ l: '.postcssrc.js', e: 'PostCSS config' },
{ l: 'jsconfig.json', e: 'Editor config (if not using TypeScript)' },
{ l: 'tsconfig.json', e: 'TypeScript config' },
{ l: '.gitignore', e: 'GIT ignore paths' },
{ l: 'package.json', e: 'npm scripts and dependencies' },
{ l: '', e: 'Readme for your website/App' }
{ l: 'quasar.config.js', e: 'Quasar App Config file', r: 'quasar-cli-webpack/quasar-config-js' },
{ l: 'babel.config.js', e: 'Babeljs config', r: '' },
{ l: '.editorconfig', e: 'EditorConfig file', r: '' },
{ l: '.eslintignore', e: 'ESLint ignore paths', r: '' },
{ l: '.eslintrc.js', e: 'ESLint config', r: '' },
{ l: '.postcssrc.js', e: 'PostCSS config', r: '' },
{ l: 'jsconfig.json', e: 'Editor config (if not using TypeScript)', r: '' },
{ l: 'tsconfig.json', e: 'TypeScript config', r: '' },
{ l: '.gitignore', e: 'GIT ignore paths', r: '' },
{ l: 'package.json', e: 'npm scripts and dependencies', r: '' },
{ l: '', e: 'Readme for your website/App', r: '' }
This is the structure of a project with all modes installed. There's no reason to be intimidated though!
Expand Down

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