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messagesTypes added
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esracoskun committed Jun 22, 2022
1 parent 65d1775 commit bfaf666
Showing 1 changed file with 380 additions and 0 deletions.
380 changes: 380 additions & 0 deletions example/utils/MessageTypes.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
import loremIpsum from 'lorem-ipsum'
import { MessageType } from '../../src/type'
import { getRandomColor, photo, token } from './common'

export const photoMessage: MessageType = {
type: 'photo',
id: String(Math.random()),
position: token() >= 1 ? 'right' : 'left',
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
focus: true,
date: +new Date(),
forwarded: true,
replyButton: true,
removeButton: true,
notch: true,
retracted: false,
text: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
status: 'sent',
data: {
uri: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(150)}`,
status: {
click: true,
loading: 0.5,
download: false, //type === "video",
error: false,
width: 300,
height: 300,

export const locationMessage: MessageType = {
type: 'location',
markerColor: '',
zoom: '',
apiKey: '',
status: 'received',
id: String(Math.random()),
position: token() >= 1 ? 'right' : 'left',
text: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
focus: true,
date: +new Date(),
dateString: 'now',
avatar: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(20)}`,
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
forwarded: true,
replyButton: true,
removeButton: true,
notch: true,
copiableDate: true,
retracted: false,
className: '',
data: {
latitude: '37.773972',
longitude: '-122.431297',
token() >= 1
? {
photoURL: token() >= 1 ? `data:image/png;base64,${photo(150)}` : null,
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
message: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
: undefined,

export const fileMessage: MessageType = {
type: 'file',
data: {
status: {
click: () => {},
loading: 0.5,
download: () => {}, //item === "video",
error: false,
size: '100MB',
status: 'read',
id: String(Math.random()),
position: token() >= 1 ? 'right' : 'left',
text: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
focus: false,
date: +new Date(),
dateString: 'now',
avatar: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(20)}`,
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
forwarded: true,
replyButton: true,
removeButton: true,
notch: true,
copiableDate: true,
retracted: false,
className: '',
token() >= 1
? {
photoURL: token() >= 1 ? `data:image/png;base64,${photo(150)}` : null,
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
message: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
: undefined,

export const systemMessage: MessageType = {
type: 'system',
id: String(Math.random()),
position: token() >= 1 ? 'right' : 'left',
text: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
focus: true,
date: +new Date(),
dateString: 'now',
avatar: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(20)}`,
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
forwarded: true,
replyButton: true,
removeButton: true,
status: 'received',
notch: true,
copiableDate: true,
retracted: false,
className: '',

export const spotifyMessage: MessageType = {
type: 'spotify',
id: String(Math.random()),
position: token() >= 1 ? 'right' : 'left',
text: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
focus: true,
date: +new Date(),
dateString: 'now',
avatar: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(20)}`,
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
forwarded: true,
replyButton: true,
removeButton: true,
notch: true,
copiableDate: true,
retracted: false,
className: '',
status: 'received',
theme: 'white',
view: 'list',
width: 300,
height: 300,
uri: 'spotify:track:0QjjaCaXE45mvhCnV3C0TA',
token() >= 1
? {
photoURL: token() >= 1 ? `data:image/png;base64,${photo(150)}` : null,
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
message: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
: undefined,

export const videoMessage: MessageType = {
type: 'video',
id: String(Math.random()),
position: token() >= 1 ? 'right' : 'left',
text: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
focus: true,
date: +new Date(),
dateString: 'now',
avatar: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(20)}`,
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
forwarded: true,
replyButton: true,
removeButton: true,
controlsList: '',
status: 'read',
data: {
uri: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(150)}`,
videoURL: token() >= 1 ? '' : '',
status: {
click: true,
loading: 0.5,
download: true, //item === "video",
error: false,
width: 300,
height: 200,
notch: true,
copiableDate: true,
retracted: false,
className: '',
token() >= 1
? {
photoURL: token() >= 1 ? `data:image/png;base64,${photo(150)}` : null,
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
message: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
: undefined,

export const audioMessage: MessageType = {
type: 'audio',
id: String(Math.random()),
position: token() >= 1 ? 'right' : 'left',
text: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
focus: true,
date: +new Date(),
dateString: 'now',
avatar: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(20)}`,
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
forwarded: true,
replyButton: true,
removeButton: true,
status: 'received',
notch: true,
copiableDate: true,
retracted: false,
className: '',
data: {
audioURL: '',
audioType: 'audio/mp3',
controlsList: 'nodownload',
token() >= 1
? {
photoURL: token() >= 1 ? `data:image/png;base64,${photo(150)}` : null,
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
message: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
: undefined,

export const meetingMessage: MessageType = {
type: 'meeting',
message: 'asd',
id: String(Math.random()),
position: token() >= 1 ? 'right' : 'left',
text: 'spotify:track:0QjjaCaXE45mvhCnV3C0TA',
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
focus: true,
date: +new Date(),
dateString: 'now',
avatar: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(20)}`,
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
forwarded: true,
replyButton: true,
removeButton: true,
status: 'received',
notch: true,
copiableDate: true,
retracted: false,
className: '',
token() >= 1
? {
photoURL: token() >= 1 ? `data:image/png;base64,${photo(150)}` : null,
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
message: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
: undefined,
subject: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
collapseTitle: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
participants: Array(token() + 6)
.map(x => ({
id: Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) % 7),
title: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'words' }),
dataSource: Array(token() + 5)
.map(x => ({
type: 'meeting',
position: token() > 1 ? 'right' : 'left',
text: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
focus: false,
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
forwarded: true,
replyButton: true,
removeButton: true,
status: 'received',
notch: true,
retracted: false,
id: String(Math.random()),
avatar: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(20)}`,
message: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
avatarFlexible: true,
date: +new Date(),
event: {
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
avatars: Array(token() + 2)
.map(x => ({
src: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(20)}`,
title: 'react, rce',
avatarsLimit: 5,
record: {
avatar: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(20)}`,
title: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'words' }),
savedBy: 'Kaydeden: ' + loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
time: new Date().toLocaleString(),

export const meetingLinkMessage: MessageType = {
type: 'meetingLink',
meetingID: String(Math.random()),
id: String(Math.random()),
position: token() >= 1 ? 'right' : 'left',
text: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
focus: true,
date: +new Date(),
dateString: 'now',
avatar: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(20)}`,
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
forwarded: true,
replyButton: true,
removeButton: true,
status: 'received',
notch: true,
copiableDate: true,
retracted: false,
className: '',
token() >= 1
? {
photoURL: token() >= 1 ? `data:image/png;base64,${photo(150)}` : null,
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
message: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
: undefined,

export const textMessage: MessageType = {
type: 'text',
id: String(Math.random()),
position: token() >= 1 ? 'right' : 'left',
text: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
focus: true,
date: +new Date(),
dateString: 'now',
avatar: `data:image/png;base64,${photo(20)}`,
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
forwarded: true,
replyButton: true,
removeButton: true,
status: 'received',
notch: true,
copiableDate: true,
retracted: false,
className: '',
token() >= 1
? {
photoURL: token() >= 1 ? `data:image/png;base64,${photo(150)}` : null,
title: loremIpsum({ count: 2, units: 'words' }),
titleColor: getRandomColor(),
message: loremIpsum({ count: 1, units: 'sentences' }),
: undefined,

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