How to use the tf2onnx.utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type function in tf2onnx

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for idx, op in enumerate(ops):
            inputs = []
            for node in op.inputs:
                if node and node.is_const():

            if inputs and len(op.input) == len(inputs):
                func = func_map.get(op.type)
                if func is None:
          "can fold but don't know how, type=%s, name=%s", op.type,
          "folding node type=%s, name=%s", op.type,
                    if op.type == "Cast":
                        dst = op.get_attr_int("to")
                        np_type = tf2onnx.utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(dst)
                        val = np.cast[np_type](*inputs)
                    elif op.type == "Transpose":
                        perm = op.get_attr("perm").ints
                        val = np.transpose(inputs[0], perm)
                    elif op.type == "Unsqueeze":
                        axis = op.get_attr_int("axis")
                        val = np.expand_dims(inputs[0], axis=axis)
                    elif op.type == "Slice":
                        axis = op.get_attr_int("axis")
                        if axis != 0:
                  "can fold slice with axis!=0, type=%s, name=%s", op.type,
                        starts = op.get_attr_int("starts")
                        ends = op.get_attr_int("ends")
                        if starts == 0 and ends == 0:
                            val = inputs[0][starts:ends]
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def _workaround_fill_ch_init_node(self, initializer_input_id, rnn_props):
        node = self.g.get_node_by_output(initializer_input_id)
        if node.type != "Fill":
            return None

        fill_val = node.inputs[1].get_tensor_value()
        fill_val_dtype = utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(self.g.get_dtype(node.input[1]))

        # this must be int64, since Concat's input data type must be consistent.
        num_direction_node = self.g.make_const(utils.make_name("Const"), np.array([1], dtype=np.float32))
        h_node = self.g.make_const(utils.make_name("Const"), np.array([rnn_props.hidden_size], dtype=np.float32))
        b_node = rnn_props.batch_size_node
        # Concat in OPSET7 does not support int64.
        tile_shape = self.g.make_node("Concat", [num_direction_node.output[0], b_node.output[0], h_node.output[0]],
                                      attr={"axis": 0})

        # Tile's repeats must be INT64
        attr = {"to": onnx_pb.TensorProto.INT64}
        tile_shape_int64 = self.g.make_node("Cast", [tile_shape.output[0]], attr)

        const_node = self.g.make_const(utils.make_name("Const"), np.array([[[fill_val]]], dtype=fill_val_dtype))
        tile_node = self.g.make_node("Tile", [const_node.output[0], tile_shape_int64.output[0]])
        self.all_nodes.extend([tile_shape, tile_shape_int64, tile_node,
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id_name = utils.make_name("sparse_softmax_id")
    id_output = utils.port_name(id_name)
    controlflow.make_range(ctx, zero_const.output[0], indices_size.output[0], one_const.output[0],
                           id_output, id_name, shape=[-1], dtype=TensorProto.INT64)
    id_unsqueeze = ctx.make_node("Unsqueeze", [id_output], attr={"axes": [1]})
    indices_with_id = ctx.make_node("Concat",
                                    [id_unsqueeze.output[0], indices_unsqueeze.output[0]],
                                    attr={"axis": 1})
    log_softmax = ctx.make_node(op_type="LogSoftmax",
                                inputs=[logit_name], dtypes=[logit_dtype], shapes=[logit_shape])
    gathernd_name = utils.make_name("sparse_softmax_gathernd")
    gathernd_output = utils.port_name(gathernd_name)
    tensor.make_gathernd(ctx, log_softmax.output[0], indices_with_id.output[0], gathernd_output,
                         gathernd_name, logit_dtype, [logit_shape], [logit_dtype])
    const_name = utils.make_name("const_negative_one")
    const_negative_one = ctx.make_const(const_name, np.array(-1).astype(utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(logit_dtype)))
    mul2 = ctx.make_node(op_type="Mul", inputs=[const_negative_one.output[0], gathernd_output])
    shapes = node.output_shapes
    dtypes = node.output_dtypes
                  inputs=[mul2.output[0]], outputs=[node.output[0]],
                  attr={"axes": [1]}, shapes=[shapes[0]], dtypes=[dtypes[0]])
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def get_weights_from_const_node(g, node):
    temp = node
    val = None
    # this would help ignore Identity in non-const_folded graph.
    while temp.type == 'Identity':
        temp = temp.inputs[0]

    if temp and temp.type == 'Const':
        val = temp.get_tensor_value(as_list=False)
        dtype = utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(g.get_dtype(temp.output[0]))
        val = val.astype(dtype)
        logger.debug("found weights %s",
        logger.debug("weight node seems not to be Const, skip, node name is %s",
        return None

    return val
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elif op.type == "ConcatV2":
                        axis = inputs[-1]
                        values = inputs[:-1]
                        val = func(tuple(values), axis)
                    elif op.type == "ListDiff":
                        out_type = op.get_attr_int("out_idx")
                        np_type = tf2onnx.utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(out_type)
                        val = func(*inputs)
                        val = val.astype(np_type)
                    elif op.type in ["Pack"]:
                        # handle ops that need input array and axis
                        axis = op.get_attr_int("axis")
                        val = func(inputs, axis=axis)
                    elif op.type == "Range":
                        dtype = op.get_attr_int("Tidx")
                        np_type = tf2onnx.utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(dtype)
                        val = func(*inputs, dtype=np_type)
                        val = func(*inputs)

                    new_node_name = utils.make_name(
                    new_output_name = new_node_name
                    old_output_name = op.output[0]
                    old_node_name =
                    logger.debug("create const node [%s] replacing [%s]", new_node_name, old_node_name)
                    ops[idx] = g.make_const(new_node_name, val)
                    ref_cnt_per_node[new_node_name] = ref_cnt_per_node[old_node_name]

                    logger.debug("replace old output [%s] with new output [%s]", old_output_name, new_output_name)
                    # need to re-write the consumers input name to use the const name
                    consumers = g.find_output_consumers(old_output_name)
                    if consumers:
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id_name = utils.make_name("sparse_softmax_id")
    id_output = utils.port_name(id_name)
    make_range(ctx, zero_const.output[0], indices_size.output[0], one_const.output[0],
               id_output, id_name, shape=[-1], dtype=TensorProto.INT64)
    id_unsqueeze = ctx.make_node("Unsqueeze", [id_output], attr={"axes": [1]})
    indices_with_id = ctx.make_node("Concat",
                                    [id_unsqueeze.output[0], indices_unsqueeze.output[0]],
                                    attr={"axis": 1})
    log_softmax = ctx.make_node(op_type="LogSoftmax",
                                inputs=[logit_name], dtypes=[logit_dtype], shapes=[logit_shape])
    gathernd_name = utils.make_name("sparse_softmax_gathernd")
    gathernd_output = utils.port_name(gathernd_name)
    make_gathernd(ctx, log_softmax.output[0], indices_with_id.output[0], gathernd_output,
                  gathernd_name, logit_dtype, [logit_shape], [logit_dtype])
    const_name = utils.make_name("const_negative_one")
    const_negative_one = ctx.make_const(const_name, np.array(-1).astype(utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(logit_dtype)))
    mul2 = ctx.make_node(op_type="Mul", inputs=[const_negative_one.output[0], gathernd_output])
    shapes = node.output_shapes
    dtypes = node.output_dtypes
                  inputs=[mul2.output[0]], outputs=[node.output[0]],
                  attr={"axes": [1]}, shapes=[shapes[0]], dtypes=[dtypes[0]])
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                logger.debug("op name %s, %s, %s",, len(op.input), len(inputs))
                if inputs and len(op.input) == len(inputs):
          "folding node type=%s, name=%s" % (op.type,
                    if op.type == "Cast":
                        dst = op.get_attr_int("to")
                        np_type = tf2onnx.utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(dst)
                        val = np.cast[np_type](*inputs)
                    elif op.type == "ConcatV2":
                        axis = inputs[-1]
                        values = inputs[:-1]
                        val = func(tuple(values), axis)
                    elif op.type == "ListDiff":
                        out_type = op.get_attr_int("out_idx")
                        np_type = tf2onnx.utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(out_type)
                        val = func(*inputs)
                        val = val.astype(np_type)
                    elif op.type in ["Pack"]:
                        # handle ops that need input array and axis
                        axis = op.get_attr_int("axis")
                        val = func(inputs, axis=axis)
                    elif op.type == "Range":
                        dtype = op.get_attr_int("Tidx")
                        np_type = tf2onnx.utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(dtype)
                        val = func(*inputs, dtype=np_type)
                        val = func(*inputs)

                    new_node_name = utils.make_name(
                    new_output_name = new_node_name
                    old_output_name = op.output[0]
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indices_name = node.input[1]
        indices_shape = ctx.get_shape(indices_name)
        if len(indices_shape) != 1:
            # TODO: this works for rank=1 but tensorflow supports more than this.
            # Same principle should work but we need to implement our own eye.
            raise ValueError("onehot op: only rank1 is supported")
        logit_name = node.input[0]
        depth = ctx.get_shape(logit_name)[-1]
        # if number of classes is unknown or too large
        if depth == utils.ONNX_UNKNOWN_DIMENSION or depth > 20000:
            sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_op_by_gathernd(ctx, node, **kwargs)
        logit_dtype = ctx.get_dtype(logit_name)
        utils.make_sure(logit_dtype, "Dtype of {} is None".format(logit_name))

        dtype = utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(logit_dtype)
        eye = np.eye(depth).astype(dtype)
        const_name = utils.make_name("const_eye")
        const_eye = ctx.make_const(name=const_name, np_val=eye)
        onehot = ctx.make_node(op_type="Gather", inputs=[const_eye.output[0], indices_name], attr={"axis": 0})
        log_softmax = ctx.make_node(op_type="LogSoftmax", inputs=[logit_name])
        # implement tf.multiply(np.float32(-1.0), tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(one_hot, log_softmax), axis=1))
        mul1 = ctx.make_node(op_type="Mul", inputs=[onehot.output[0], log_softmax.output[0]])
        reduce_sum = ctx.make_node(op_type="ReduceSum", inputs=[mul1.output[0]], attr={"axes": [1]})
        const_name = utils.make_name("const_negative_one")
        const_negative_one = ctx.make_const(name=const_name, np_val=np.array(-1).astype(dtype))
        mul2 = ctx.make_node(op_type="Mul", inputs=[const_negative_one.output[0], reduce_sum.output[0]])

        shapes = node.output_shapes
        dtypes = node.output_dtypes
        ctx.make_node(op_type="Squeeze", inputs=[mul2.output[0]], outputs=[node.output[0]], attr={"axes": [1]},
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def get_weights_from_const_node(g, node):
    temp = node
    val = None
    # this would help ignore Identity in non-const_folded graph.
    while temp.type == 'Identity':
        temp = temp.inputs[0]

    if temp and temp.type == 'Const':
        val = temp.get_tensor_value(as_list=False)
        dtype = utils.map_onnx_to_numpy_type(g.get_dtype(temp.output[0]))
        val = val.astype(dtype)
        logger.debug("found weights %s",
        logger.debug("weight node seems not to be Const, skip, node name is %s",
        return None

    return val