How to use the sopel.web.decode function in sopel

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sopel examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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except UnicodeDecodeError:
        return  # Fail silently when data can't be decoded
        # need to close the connexion because we have not read all the data

    # Some cleanup that I don't really grok, but was in the original, so
    # we'll keep it (with the compiled regexes made global) for now.
    content = title_tag_data.sub(r'<\1title>', content)
    content = quoted_title.sub('', content)

    start = content.find('<title>')
    end = content.find('</title>')
    if start == -1 or end == -1:
    title = web.decode(content[start + 7:end])
    title = title.strip()[:200]

    title = ' '.join(title.split())  # cleanly remove multiple spaces

    # More cryptic regex substitutions. This one looks to be myano's invention.
    title = re_dcc.sub('', title)
    title = title.replace("[apos]","'")
    return title or None