How to use the pythran.metadata.get function in pythran

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def visit_If(self, node):

            if ast.literal_eval(node.test):
                if not metadata.get(node, OMPDirective):
                    self.update = True
                    return node.body
                if not metadata.get(node, OMPDirective):
                    self.update = True
                    return node.orelse
        except ValueError:
            # not a constant expression

        have_body = any(not isinstance(x, ast.Pass) for x in node.body)
        have_else = any(not isinstance(x, ast.Pass) for x in node.orelse)
        # If the "body" is empty but "else content" is useful, switch branches
        # and remove else content
        if not have_body and have_else:
            test = ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.Not(), operand=node.test)
            self.update = True
            return ast.If(test=test, body=node.orelse, orelse=list())
        # if neither "if" and "else" are useful, keep test if it is not pure
        elif not have_body:
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def visit(self, node):
        old_omp = self.in_omp
        omp_nodes = md.get(node, openmp.OMPDirective)
        if omp_nodes:
            self.in_omp = set(self.name_count.keys())
        super(LazynessAnalysis, self).visit(node)
        if omp_nodes:
            new_nodes = set(self.name_count).difference(self.in_omp)
            for omp_node in omp_nodes:
                for n in omp_node.deps:
                    if isinstance(n, ast.Name):
                        self.result[] = LazynessAnalysis.INF
        self.in_omp = old_omp
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def visit(self, node):
        """ Add OMPDirective from the old node to the new one. """
        old_omp = metadata.get(node, OMPDirective)
        node = super(DeadCodeElimination, self).visit(node)
        if not metadata.get(node, OMPDirective):
            for omp_directive in old_omp:
                metadata.add(node, omp_directive)
        return node
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def visit_For(self, node):
        # if the user added some OpenMP directive, trust him and no unroll
        if metadata.get(node, OMPDirective):
            return node  # don't visit children because of collapse

        # first unroll children if needed or possible

        # a break or continue in the loop prevents unrolling too
        has_break = any(self.gather(HasBreak, n)
                        for n in node.body)
        has_cont = any(self.gather(HasContinue, n)
                       for n in node.body)

        if has_break or has_cont:
            return node

        # do not unroll too much to prevent code growth
        node_count = self.gather(NodeCount, node)
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def process_omp_attachements(self, node, stmt, index=None):
        Add OpenMP pragma on the correct stmt in the correct order.

        stmt may be a list. On this case, index have to be specify to add
        OpenMP on the correct statement.
        omp_directives = metadata.get(node, OMPDirective)
        if omp_directives:
            directives = list()
            for directive in omp_directives:
                directive.deps = [self.visit(dep) for dep in directive.deps]
            if index is None:
                stmt = AnnotatedStatement(stmt, directives)
                stmt[index] = AnnotatedStatement(stmt[index], directives)
        return stmt
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if self.current:
            for curr in self.current:
                md = OMPDirective(curr)
                metadata.add(node, md)
            self.current = list()
        # add a Pass to hold some directives
        for field_name, field in ast.iter_fields(node):
            if field_name in GatherOMPData.statement_lists:
                if(field and
                   isinstance(field[-1], ast.Expr) and

        # add an If to hold scoping OpenMP directives
        directives = metadata.get(node, OMPDirective)
        field_names = {n for n, _ in ast.iter_fields(node)}
        has_no_scope = field_names.isdisjoint(GatherOMPData.statement_lists)
        if directives and has_no_scope:
            # some directives create a scope, but the holding stmt may not
            # artificially create one here if needed
            sdirective = ''.join(d.s for d in directives)
            scoping = ('parallel', 'task', 'section')
            if any(s in sdirective for s in scoping):
                metadata.clear(node, OMPDirective)
                node = ast.If(ast.Constant(1, None), [node], [])
                for directive in directives:
                    metadata.add(node, directive)

        return node
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def check_global(self, node, arg):
        if not isinstance(arg, ast.Call):
            aliases = self.strict_aliases[arg.func]
        except KeyError:

        for alias in aliases:
            if not isinstance(alias, ast.FunctionDef):
            if metadata.get(alias.body[0], metadata.StaticReturn):
                raise PythranSyntaxError(
                    ("Cannot modify '{}': global variables are constant "
                     "in pythran.").format(,
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def dispatch(self, tree):
        """Dispatcher function, dispatching tree type T to method _T."""
        # display omp directive in python dump
        for omp in metadata.get(tree, openmp.OMPDirective):
            deps = list()
            for dep in omp.deps:
                old_file = self.f
                self.f = io.StringIO()
                self.f = old_file
            directive = omp.s.format(*deps)
            self._Expr(ast.Expr(ast.Constant(directive, None)))

        if isinstance(tree, list):
            for t in tree:
        meth = getattr(self, "_" + tree.__class__.__name__)
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def visit_Pass(self, node):
        ancestor = self.ancestors[node][-1]
        if getattr(ancestor, 'body', ()) == [node]:
            return node
        if getattr(ancestor, 'orelse', ()) == [node]:
            return node
        if metadata.get(node, OMPDirective):
            return node
        return None