How to use the pydub.utils.register_pydub_effect function in pydub

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pydub examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jiaaro / pydub / pydub / View on Github external
def high_pass_filter(seg, cutoff):
        cutoff - Frequency (in Hz) where lower frequency signal will begin to
            be reduced by 6dB per octave (doubling in frequency) below this point
    RC = 1.0 / (cutoff * 2 * math.pi)
    dt = 1.0 / seg.frame_rate

    alpha = RC / (RC + dt)

    minval, maxval = get_min_max_value(seg.sample_width * 8)
    original = seg.get_array_of_samples()
    filteredArray = array.array(seg.array_type, original)
    frame_count = int(seg.frame_count())
github jiaaro / pydub / pydub / View on Github external
def compress_dynamic_range(seg, threshold=-20.0, ratio=4.0, attack=5.0, release=50.0):
    Keyword Arguments:
        threshold - default: -20.0
            Threshold in dBFS. default of -20.0 means -20dB relative to the
            maximum possible volume. 0dBFS is the maximum possible value so
            all values for this argument sould be negative.

        ratio - default: 4.0
            Compression ratio. Audio louder than the threshold will be 
            reduced to 1/ratio the volume. A ratio of 4.0 is equivalent to
            a setting of 4:1 in a pro-audio compressor like the Waves C1.
        attack - default: 5.0
            Attack in milliseconds. How long it should take for the compressor
github jiaaro / pydub / pydub / View on Github external
def low_pass_filter(seg, cutoff_freq, order=5):
    filter_fn = _mk_butter_filter(cutoff_freq, 'lowpass', order=order)
    return seg.apply_mono_filter_to_each_channel(filter_fn)
github jiaaro / pydub / pydub / View on Github external
def strip_silence(seg, silence_len=1000, silence_thresh=-16, padding=100):
    if padding > silence_len:
        raise InvalidDuration("padding cannot be longer than silence_len")

    chunks = split_on_silence(seg, silence_len, silence_thresh, padding)
    crossfade = padding / 2

    if not len(chunks):
        return seg[0:0]

    seg = chunks[0]
    for chunk in chunks[1:]:
        seg = seg.append(chunk, crossfade=crossfade)

    return seg
github jiaaro / pydub / pydub / View on Github external
def apply_gain_stereo(seg, left_gain=0.0, right_gain=0.0):
    left_gain - amount of gain to apply to the left channel (in dB)
    right_gain - amount of gain to apply to the right channel (in dB)
    note: mono audio segments will be converted to stereo
    if seg.channels == 1:
        left = right = seg
    elif seg.channels == 2:
        left, right = seg.split_to_mono()
    l_mult_factor = db_to_float(left_gain)
    r_mult_factor = db_to_float(right_gain)
    left_data = audioop.mul(left._data, left.sample_width, l_mult_factor)
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def apply_mono_filter_to_each_channel(seg, filter_fn):
    n_channels = seg.channels

    channel_segs = seg.split_to_mono()
    channel_segs = [filter_fn(channel_seg) for channel_seg in channel_segs]

    out_data = seg.get_array_of_samples()
    for channel_i, channel_seg in enumerate(channel_segs):
        for sample_i, sample in enumerate(channel_seg.get_array_of_samples()):
            index = (sample_i * n_channels) + channel_i
            out_data[index] = sample

    return seg._spawn(out_data)
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def band_pass_filter(seg, low_cutoff_freq, high_cutoff_freq, order=5):
    filter_fn = _mk_butter_filter([low_cutoff_freq, high_cutoff_freq], 'band', order=order)
    return seg.apply_mono_filter_to_each_channel(filter_fn)
github jiaaro / pydub / pydub / View on Github external
def speedup(seg, playback_speed=1.5, chunk_size=150, crossfade=25):
    # we will keep audio in 150ms chunks since one waveform at 20Hz is 50ms long
    # (20 Hz is the lowest frequency audible to humans)

    # portion of AUDIO TO KEEP. if playback speed is 1.25 we keep 80% (0.8) and
    # discard 20% (0.2)
    atk = 1.0 / playback_speed

    if playback_speed < 2.0:
        # throwing out more than half the audio - keep 50ms chunks
        ms_to_remove_per_chunk = int(chunk_size * (1 - atk) / atk)
        # throwing out less than half the audio - throw out 50ms chunks
        ms_to_remove_per_chunk = int(chunk_size)
        chunk_size = int(atk * chunk_size / (1 - atk))
github jiaaro / pydub / pydub / View on Github external
def normalize(seg, headroom=0.1):
    headroom is how close to the maximum volume to boost the signal up to (specified in dB)
    peak_sample_val = seg.max
    # if the max is 0, this audio segment is silent, and can't be normalized
    if peak_sample_val == 0:
        return seg
    target_peak = seg.max_possible_amplitude * db_to_float(-headroom)

    needed_boost = ratio_to_db(target_peak / peak_sample_val)
    return seg.apply_gain(needed_boost)
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def invert_phase(seg, channels=(1, 1)):
    channels- specifies which channel (left or right) to reverse the phase of.
    Note that mono AudioSegments will become stereo.
    if channels == (1, 1):
        inverted = audioop.mul(seg._data, seg.sample_width, -1.0)  
        return seg._spawn(data=inverted)
        if seg.channels == 2:
            left, right = seg.split_to_mono()
            raise Exception("Can't implicitly convert an AudioSegment with " + str(seg.channels) + " channels to stereo.")