How to use the pandocfilters.walk function in pandocfilters

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pandocfilters examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github aaren / pandoc-reference-filter / View on Github external
argument if present), and meta is the document's metadata.

    If the function returns None, the object to which it applies
    will remain unchanged.  If it returns an object, the object will
    be replaced.  If it returns a list, the list will be spliced in to
    the list to which the target object belongs.  (So, returning an
    empty list deletes the object.)
    doc = pf.json.loads(
    if len(pf.sys.argv) > 1:
        format = pf.sys.argv[1]
        format = ""

    if type(actions) is type(toJSONFilter):
        altered = pf.walk(doc, actions, format, doc[0]['unMeta'])
    elif type(actions) is list:
        altered = doc
        for action in actions:
            altered = pf.walk(altered, action, format, doc[0]['unMeta'])

    pf.json.dump(altered, pf.sys.stdout)
github aaren / pandoc-reference-filter / internalreferences / View on Github external
argument if present), and meta is the document's metadata.

    If the function returns None, the object to which it applies
    will remain unchanged.  If it returns an object, the object will
    be replaced.  If it returns a list, the list will be spliced in to
    the list to which the target object belongs.  (So, returning an
    empty list deletes the object.)
    doc = pf.json.loads(
    if len(pf.sys.argv) > 1:
        format = pf.sys.argv[1]
        format = ""

    if type(actions) is type(toJSONFilter):
        altered = pf.walk(doc, actions, format, doc[0]['unMeta'])
    elif type(actions) is list:
        altered = doc
        for action in actions:
            altered = pf.walk(altered, action, format, doc[0]['unMeta'])

    pf.json.dump(altered, pf.sys.stdout)
github BIDS / pandoc-templates / report / bin / View on Github external
format = sys.argv[1]
        format = ''

    if 'meta' in document:           # new API
        metadata = document['meta']
    elif document[0]:                # old API
        metadata = document[0]['unMeta']

    if 'draft' in metadata:
        DRAFT = metadata['draft']['c']
        DRAFT = False

    newDocument = document
    newDocument = walk(newDocument, handle_comments, format, metadata)

    # Need to ensure the LaTeX/beamer template knows if `mdframed` package is
    # required (when `` has been used).
    if (format == 'latex' or format == 'beamer') and USED_BOX:
        MetaList = elt('MetaList', 1)
        MetaInlines = elt('MetaInlines', 1)
        rawinlines = [MetaInlines([RawInline('tex',
        if 'header-includes' in metadata:
            headerIncludes = metadata['header-includes']
            if headerIncludes['t'] == 'MetaList':
                rawinlines += headerIncludes['c']
            else:  # headerIncludes['t'] == 'MetaInlines'
                rawinlines += [headerIncludes]
        metadata['header-includes'] = MetaList(rawinlines)
        newDocument['meta'] = metadata
github tomduck / pandoc-tablenos / View on Github external
    altered = functools.reduce(lambda x, action: walk(x, action, fmt, meta),
                               [repair_refs, process_refs, replace_refs,
github aaren / pandoc-reference-filter / View on Github external
def main():
    doc = pf.json.loads(
    if len(pf.sys.argv) > 1:
        format = pf.sys.argv[1]
        format = ""

    metadata = doc[0]['unMeta']
    args = {k: v['c'] for k, v in metadata.items()}
    autoref = args.get('autoref', True)

    refmanager = ReferenceManager(autoref=autoref)

    altered = doc
    for action in refmanager.reference_filter:
        altered = pf.walk(altered, action, format, metadata)

    pf.json.dump(altered, pf.sys.stdout)
github hotdoc / hotdoc / hotdoc / core / View on Github external
def filter_json (self, json_doc):
        new_doc = walk (json_doc[1], self.parse_extensions, 'md', json_doc[0])
        return [json_doc[0], new_doc]
github BIDS / pandoc-templates / report / bin / View on Github external
                    return [html(REVEALJS_TEXT[""])] + newContent +\
                elif docFormat == 'docx':
                    newContent = walk(content, handle_comments, docFormat,
                    return [docx(DOCX_TEXT[""])] + newContent +\
                    return content
                return content
        elif "smcaps" in classes:
            # Always show this---don't worry about draft status!
            if docFormat in ['latex', 'beamer']:
                newContent = walk(content, handle_comments, docFormat, meta)
                return [latex(LATEX_TEXT[""])] + newContent +\
            elif docFormat in ['html', 'html5']:
                newContent = walk(content, handle_comments, docFormat, meta)
                return [html(HTML_TEXT[""])] + newContent +\
            elif docFormat == 'revealjs':
                newContent = walk(content, handle_comments, docFormat, meta)
                return [html(REVEALJS_TEXT[""])] + newContent +\
            elif docFormat == 'docx':
                return docx(DOCX_TEXT[tag])
                # FIXME: I should run this through a filter that capitalizes
                # all strings in `content`.
                return content
github grea09 / pancake / .pancake / filters / View on Github external
def raw(x):
    result = []
    def flatten(key, val, format, meta):
        if val is not None :
            if isinstance(val[1], unicode) :
#                pprint.pprint(val[1], sys.stderr)
            if isinstance(val[1], dict) :
#                pprint.pprint(val, sys.stderr)
                result.append(" ")
    walk(x, flatten, "", {})
    return ''.join(result)
github lahwaacz / arch-wiki-docs / ArchWiki / View on Github external
#       the only input format; the most generic way should be implemented
#            if key == "Header":
#                level, classes, internal = value
#                # record top level
#                if self.heading_top_level == 0:
#                    self.heading_top_level = level
#                # ensure we start from h1 in output
#                if level > self.heading_top_level:
#                    level -= self.heading_top_level
#                return pandocfilters.Header(level, classes, internal)

        doc = json.loads(instring)
        altered = pandocfilters.walk(doc, _filter, self.format, doc[0]["unMeta"])
        return json.dumps(altered)
github att / MkTechDocs / bin / View on Github external
(headingLevel, dummy) = get_value(keyvals, "heading-level")
                    if not headingLevel:
                        headingLevel = 0

                    contents = get_contents_of_file(l, headingLevel)

                    doc = json.loads(str_to_json(contents))

                    if 'meta' in doc:
                        meta = doc['meta']
                    elif doc[0]:  # old API
                        meta = doc[0]['unMeta']
                        meta = {}

                    altered = walk(doc, include, format, meta)

                elif l == '':
                    # Empty lines are harmless
                    sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Can't read file '" + l + "'. Skipping.\n")

            # Return a flattened list using nested list comprehension
            # The following is equivalent to:
            # flattened = []
            # for sublist in rv:
            #    for item in sublist:
            #        flattened.append(item)