How to use the ipywidgets.Text function in ipywidgets

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ipywidgets examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github lukasheinrich / ipython-chat / View on Github external

        sender.value = ''

    console_container = widgets.VBox(visible=False)
    console_container.padding = '10px'

    output_box = widgets.Textarea()
    output_box.height = '400px'
    output_box.font_family = 'monospace'
    output_box.color = '#AAAAAA'
    output_box.background_color = 'black'
    output_box.width = '600px'

    input_box = widgets.Text()
    input_box.font_family = 'monospace'
    input_box.color = '#AAAAAA'
    input_box.background_color = 'black'
    input_box.width = '800px'

    console_container.children = [output_box, input_box]
    console_container.visible = True

    return output_box,console_container
github hectornieto / pyTSEB / pyTSEB / View on Github external
self.w_time_But = widgets.Button(
            description='Browse Dec Time Image')
        self.w_time = widgets.Text(description='(h):', value='12', width=500)
        self.w_T_A1_But = widgets.Button(
            description='Browse Air Temperature Image')
        self.w_T_A1 = widgets.Text(description='(K):', value='0', width=500)
        self.w_T_A0_But = widgets.Button(
            description='Browse Sunrise Air Temperature Image')
        self.w_T_A0 = widgets.Text(description='(K):', value='0', width=500)
        self.w_T_A0_But.visible = False
        self.w_T_A0.visible = False
        self.w_S_dnBut = widgets.Button(
            description='Browse Shortwave Irradiance Image')
        self.w_S_dn = widgets.Text(description='(W/m2):', value='0', width=500)
        self.w_uBut = widgets.Button(description='Browse Wind Speed Image')
        self.w_u = widgets.Text(description='(m/s):', value='0.01', width=500)
        self.w_eaBut = widgets.Button(
            description='Browse Vapour Pressure Image')
        self.w_ea = widgets.Text(description='(mb):', value='0', width=500)

        met_text = widgets.HTML(
            'OPTIONAL: Leave empy to use estimated values for the following cells')
        self.w_L_dnBut = widgets.Button(
            description='Browse Longwave Irradiance Image')
        self.w_L_dn = widgets.Text(description='(W/m2):', value='', width=500)
        self.w_pBut = widgets.Button(description='Browse Pressure Image')
        self.w_p = widgets.Text(description='(mb):', value='', width=500)

        self.met_page = widgets.VBox([widgets.HTML('Select Day of Year image or type a constant value'),
                                     widgets.HBox([self.w_DOY_But, self.w_DOY]),
                                     widgets.HTML('Select time (decimal) image or type a constant value'),
                                     widgets.HBox([self.w_time_But, self.w_time]),
github microsoft / msticpy / msticpy / nbtools / View on Github external
elif item_dict:
            self._item_list = list(item_dict.keys())
            self._item_dict = item_dict
            self.value = list(self._item_dict.values())[0]
            raise ValueError("One of item_list or item_dict must be supplied.")

        self._wgt_select = widgets.Select(
            layout=Layout(width=width, height=height),
            style={"description_width": "initial"},
        self._display_filter = display_filter
        if display_filter:
            self._w_filter = widgets.Text(
                value="", description="Filter:", style={"description_width": "initial"}

            # set up observer callbacks
            self._w_filter.observe(self._update_options, names="value")
        self._wgt_select.observe(self._select_item, names="value")

        self.item_action = action

        # setup to use updatable display objects
        rand_id = random.randint(0, 999999)  # nosec
        self._output_id = f"{self.__class__.__name__}_{rand_id}"
        self._disp_elems: List[Any] = []

        if auto_display:
github hectornieto / pyTSEB / pyTSEB / View on Github external
description='Browse Date of Year Image')
        self.w_DOY = widgets.Text(description=' ', value='1', width=500)
        self.w_time_But = widgets.Button(
            description='Browse Dec Time Image')
        self.w_time = widgets.Text(description='(h):', value='12', width=500)
        self.w_T_A1_But = widgets.Button(
            description='Browse Air Temperature Image')
        self.w_T_A1 = widgets.Text(description='(K):', value='0', width=500)
        self.w_T_A0_But = widgets.Button(
            description='Browse Sunrise Air Temperature Image')
        self.w_T_A0 = widgets.Text(description='(K):', value='0', width=500)
        self.w_T_A0_But.visible = False
        self.w_T_A0.visible = False
        self.w_S_dnBut = widgets.Button(
            description='Browse Shortwave Irradiance Image')
        self.w_S_dn = widgets.Text(description='(W/m2):', value='0', width=500)
        self.w_uBut = widgets.Button(description='Browse Wind Speed Image')
        self.w_u = widgets.Text(description='(m/s):', value='0.01', width=500)
        self.w_eaBut = widgets.Button(
            description='Browse Vapour Pressure Image')
        self.w_ea = widgets.Text(description='(mb):', value='0', width=500)

        met_text = widgets.HTML(
            'OPTIONAL: Leave empy to use estimated values for the following cells')
        self.w_L_dnBut = widgets.Button(
            description='Browse Longwave Irradiance Image')
        self.w_L_dn = widgets.Text(description='(W/m2):', value='', width=500)
        self.w_pBut = widgets.Button(description='Browse Pressure Image')
        self.w_p = widgets.Text(description='(mb):', value='', width=500)

        self.met_page = widgets.VBox([widgets.HTML('Select Day of Year image or type a constant value'),
                                     widgets.HBox([self.w_DOY_But, self.w_DOY]),
github hectornieto / pyTSEB / pyTSEB / View on Github external
description=' ', value=str(self.rho_nir_C), width=500)
        self.w_tau_nir_C_But = widgets.Button(description='Leaf trans. NIR')
        self.w_tau_nir_C = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.tau_nir_C), width=500)

        self.w_rho_vis_S_But = widgets.Button(description='Soil refl. PAR')
        self.w_rho_vis_S = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.rho_vis_S), width=500)
        self.w_rho_nir_S_But = widgets.Button(description='Soil refl. NIR')
        self.w_rho_nir_S = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.rho_nir_S), width=500)
        self.w_emis_C_But = widgets.Button(description='Leaf emissivity')
        self.w_emis_C = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.emis_C), width=500)
        self.w_emis_S_But = widgets.Button(description='Soil emissivity')
        self.w_emis_S = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.emis_S), width=500)

        self.spec_page = widgets.VBox([widgets.HTML('Select leaf PAR reflectance image or type a constant value'),
                                      widgets.HBox([self.w_rho_vis_C_But, self.w_rho_vis_C]),
                                      widgets.HTML('Select leaf PAR transmitance image or type a constant value'),
                                      widgets.HBox([self.w_tau_vis_C_But, self.w_tau_vis_C]),
                                      widgets.HTML('Select leaf NIR reflectance image or type a constant value'),
                                      widgets.HBox([self.w_rho_nir_C_But, self.w_rho_nir_C]),
                                      widgets.HTML('Select leaf NIR transmitance image or type a constant value'),
                                      widgets.HBox([self.w_tau_nir_C_But, self.w_tau_nir_C]),
                                      widgets.HTML('Select soil PAR reflectance or image type a constant value'),
                                      widgets.HBox([self.w_rho_vis_S_But, self.w_rho_vis_S]),
                                      widgets.HTML('Select soil NIR reflectance or image type a constant value'),
                                      widgets.HBox([self.w_rho_nir_S_But, self.w_rho_nir_S]),
                                      widgets.HTML('Select leaf emissivity image or type a constant value'),
                                      widgets.HBox([self.w_emis_C_But, self.w_emis_C]),
github keatonb / Pyriod / Pyriod / View on Github external
def _init_periodogram_widgets(self):
        ### Periodogram widget stuff  ###
        self._perfig_file_location = widgets.Text(
            placeholder='File name to write figure to',
            tooltip='Path of figure file to write to.',
            description='Fig location:',
        self._save_perfig = widgets.Button(
            #button_style='success', # 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger' or ''
            tooltip='Save currently displayed figure to file.',
github yt-project / yt / yt / units / View on Github external
unit_registry = arr.units.registry 
    equiv = unit_registry.list_same_dimensions(arr.units)
    dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown(options = sorted(equiv), value = str(arr.units))
    def arr_updater(arr, texts):
        def _value_updater(change):
            arr2 = arr.in_units(change['new'])
            if arr2.shape == ():
                arr2 = [arr2]
            for v, t in zip(arr2, texts):
                t.value = str(v.value)
        return _value_updater
    if arr.shape == ():
        arr_iter = [arr]
        arr_iter = arr
    texts = [ipywidgets.Text(value = str(_.value), disabled = True)
             for _ in arr_iter]
    dropdown.observe(arr_updater(arr, texts), names="value")
    return ipywidgets.HBox(texts + [dropdown])
github microsoft / msticpy / msticpy / nbtools / View on Github external
if isinstance(default_selected, dict):
            default_selected = list(default_selected.items())
        if default_selected:
            set_selected = set(default_selected)
            selected_items = sorted(set_selected.intersection(source_items))
            selected_items = []

        self._select_list = widgets.SelectMultiple(
            options=selected_items, layout=layout, description="Selected: "

        self._display_filter = display_filter
        if display_filter:
            self._w_filter = widgets.Text(
                value="", description="Filter:", style={"description_width": "initial"}

            # set up observer callbacks
            self._w_filter.observe(self._update_options, names="value")

        self._b_add_all = widgets.Button(description="Add All \u21fe")
        self._b_add = widgets.Button(description="Add \u21fe")
        self._b_del = widgets.Button(description="\u21fd Remove")
        self._b_del_all = widgets.Button(description="\u21fd Remove All")

github great-expectations / great_expectations / great_expectations / jupyter_ux / View on Github external
def generate_text_widget(self, value, description='', description_tooltip='', continuous_update=False, placeholder='', disabled=False):
        return widgets.Text(
            description="<strong>{description}: </strong>".format(description=description),
            layout={'width': '400px'},
github hectornieto / pyTSEB / pyTSEB / View on Github external
self.w_rho_vis_C_But = widgets.Button(description='Leaf refl. PAR')
        self.w_rho_vis_C = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.rho_vis_C), width=500)
        self.w_tau_vis_C_But = widgets.Button(description='Leaf trans. PAR')
        self.w_tau_vis_C = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.tau_vis_C), width=500)
        self.w_rho_nir_C_But = widgets.Button(description='Leaf refl. NIR')
        self.w_rho_nir_C = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.rho_nir_C), width=500)
        self.w_tau_nir_C_But = widgets.Button(description='Leaf trans. NIR')
        self.w_tau_nir_C = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.tau_nir_C), width=500)

        self.w_rho_vis_S_But = widgets.Button(description='Soil refl. PAR')
        self.w_rho_vis_S = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.rho_vis_S), width=500)
        self.w_rho_nir_S_But = widgets.Button(description='Soil refl. NIR')
        self.w_rho_nir_S = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.rho_nir_S), width=500)
        self.w_emis_C_But = widgets.Button(description='Leaf emissivity')
        self.w_emis_C = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.emis_C), width=500)
        self.w_emis_S_But = widgets.Button(description='Soil emissivity')
        self.w_emis_S = widgets.Text(
            description=' ', value=str(self.emis_S), width=500)

        self.spec_page = widgets.VBox([widgets.HTML('Select leaf PAR reflectance image or type a constant value'),
                                      widgets.HBox([self.w_rho_vis_C_But, self.w_rho_vis_C]),
                                      widgets.HTML('Select leaf PAR transmitance image or type a constant value'),
                                      widgets.HBox([self.w_tau_vis_C_But, self.w_tau_vis_C]),
                                      widgets.HTML('Select leaf NIR reflectance image or type a constant value'),