How to use vscode-languageserver-types - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few vscode-languageserver-types examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github chemzqm / wxml-languageserver / src / services / wxmlComplete.ts View on Github external
function collectCharacterEntityProposals(): CompletionList {
    // character entities
    let k = offset - 1
    let characterStart = position.character
    while (k >= 0 && isLetterOrDigit(text, k)) {
    if (k >= 0 && text[k] === '&') {
      let range = Range.create(
        Position.create(position.line, characterStart - 1),
      for (let entity in entities) {
        if (endsWith(entity, ';')) {
          const label = '&' + entity
            kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword,
            documentation: `Character entity representing '${entities[entity]}'`,
            textEdit: TextEdit.replace(range, label),
            insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.PlainText,
github microsoft / vscode-emmet-helper / src / emmetHelper.ts View on Github external
if (isStyleSheet(syntax)) {
		let { prefixOptions, abbreviationWithoutPrefix } = splitVendorPrefix(abbreviation);
		// If abbreviation is valid, then expand it and ensure the expanded value is not noise
		if (isAbbreviationValid(syntax, abbreviation)) {

		// When abbr contains -, emmet uses it as a delimitor using the left to match propertyname and the right to match propertyvalue
		// If there is css property that matches with abbr better, then that should win over emmet
		if (abbreviationWithoutPrefix.indexOf('-') > 0 && > -1) {

		if (expandedAbbr) {
			let prefixedExpandedText = applyVendorPrefixes(expandedText, prefixOptions, preferences);
			expandedAbbr.textEdit = TextEdit.replace(abbreviationRange, escapeNonTabStopDollar(addFinalTabStop(prefixedExpandedText)));
			expandedAbbr.documentation = replaceTabStopsWithCursors(prefixedExpandedText);
			expandedAbbr.label = removeTabStops(expandedText);
			expandedAbbr.filterText = abbreviation;

			const stylesheetCustomSnippetsKeys = stylesheetCustomSnippetsKeyCache.has(syntax) ? stylesheetCustomSnippetsKeyCache.get(syntax) : stylesheetCustomSnippetsKeyCache.get('css');
			completionItems = makeSnippetSuggestion(stylesheetCustomSnippetsKeys, abbreviation, abbreviation, abbreviationRange, expandOptions, 'Emmet Custom Snippet', false);

			if (!completionItems.find(x => x.textEdit.newText === expandedAbbr.textEdit.newText)) {

				// Fix for
				// When user types in propertyname, emmet uses it to match with snippet names, resulting in width -> widows or font-family -> font: family
				// Filter out those cases here.
				const abbrRegex = new RegExp('.*' + abbreviationWithoutPrefix.split('').map(x => x === '$' ? '\\$' : x).join('.*') + '.*', 'i');
				if (/\d/.test(abbreviation) || abbrRegex.test(expandedAbbr.label)) {
github facebookarchive / flow-language-server / server / src / utils / util.js View on Github external
import {DiagnosticSeverity} from 'vscode-languageserver-types';
import invariant from 'assert';
import nullthrows from 'nullthrows';
import URI from 'vscode-uri';

const FlowSeverity = {
  Error: 'Error',
  Warning: 'Warning',

const flowSeverityToLSPSeverityMap: {
  [string]: DiagnosticSeverityType,
} = {
  [FlowSeverity.Error]: DiagnosticSeverity.Error,
  [FlowSeverity.Warning]: DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,

export function toURI(filePath: string): URI {
  return URI.file(filePath);

export function hasFlowPragma(content: string) {
  const hasPragma =
    content.startsWith('/* @flow */') ||
    content.startsWith('// @flow\n') ||
    /^\s*\/\*+\s*@flow\s*\*+\//m.test(content) ||
  return hasPragma;

export function flowSeverityToLSPSeverity(
github microsoft / vscode-emmet-helper / src / emmetHelper.ts View on Github external
|| (!/^[a-z,A-Z,\d]*$/.test(abbreviation) && !abbreviation.endsWith('.'))
			|| markupSnippetKeys.indexOf(abbreviation) > -1
			|| commonlyUsedTags.indexOf(abbreviation) > -1) {
			try {
				expandedText = expand(abbreviation, expandOptions);
				// Skip cases when abc -> abc: ; as this is noise
				if (isStyleSheet(syntax) && expandedText === `${abbreviation}: \${1};`) {
					expandedText = '';
			} catch (e) {


		if (expandedText) {
			expandedAbbr = CompletionItem.create(abbreviation);
			expandedAbbr.textEdit = TextEdit.replace(abbreviationRange, expandedText);
			expandedAbbr.documentation = removeTabStops(expandedText);
			expandedAbbr.insertTextFormat = InsertTextFormat.Snippet;
			expandedAbbr.detail = 'Emmet Abbreviation';
			if (filters.indexOf('bem') > -1) {
				expandedAbbr.label = abbreviation + filterDelimitor + bemFilterSuffix;
			if (isStyleSheet(syntax)) {
				// See
				// Due to this we set filterText, sortText and label to expanded abbreviation
				// - Label makes it clear to the user what their choice is 
				// - FilterText fixes the issue when user types in propertyname and emmet uses it to match with abbreviations
				// - SortText will sort the choice in a way that is intutive to the user
				expandedAbbr.filterText = expandedAbbr.documentation;
				expandedAbbr.sortText = expandedAbbr.documentation;
				expandedAbbr.label = expandedAbbr.documentation;
github vuejs / vetur / server / src / modes / script / javascript.ts View on Github external => {
          // currently, only import codeAction is available
          // change start of doc to start of script region
          if (tc.span.start === 0 && tc.span.length === 0) {
            const region = regionStart.get(doc);
            if (region) {
              const line = region.start.line;
              return {
                range: Range.create(line + 1, 0, line + 1, 0),
                newText: tc.newText
          return {
            range: convertRange(doc, tc.span),
            newText: tc.newText
github codesandbox / codesandbox-client / standalone-packages / vscode-extensions / out / extensions / jpoissonnier.vscode-styled-components-0.0.26 / node_modules / vscode-css-languageservice / lib / esm / services / cssCodeActions.js View on Github external
languageFacts.cssDataManager.getProperties().forEach(function (p) {
            var score = difference(propertyName,;
            if (score >= propertyName.length / 2 /*score_lim*/) {
                candidates.push({ property:, score: score });
        // Sort in descending order.
        candidates.sort(function (a, b) {
            return b.score - a.score;
        var maxActions = 3;
        for (var _i = 0, candidates_1 = candidates; _i < candidates_1.length; _i++) {
            var candidate = candidates_1[_i];
            var propertyName_1 =;
            var title = localize('css.codeaction.rename', "Rename to '{0}'", propertyName_1);
            var edit = TextEdit.replace(marker.range, propertyName_1);
            var documentIdentifier = VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.create(document.uri, document.version);
            var workspaceEdit = { documentChanges: [TextDocumentEdit.create(documentIdentifier, [edit])] };
            var codeAction = CodeAction.create(title, workspaceEdit, CodeActionKind.QuickFix);
            codeAction.diagnostics = [marker];
            if (--maxActions <= 0) {
    CSSCodeActions.prototype.appendFixesForMarker = function (document, stylesheet, marker, result) {
github microsoft / vscode-emmet-helper / src / emmetHelper.ts View on Github external
|| markupSnippetKeys.indexOf(abbreviation) > -1
			|| commonlyUsedTags.indexOf(abbreviation) > -1) {
			try {
				expandedText = expand(abbreviation, expandOptions);
				// Skip cases when abc -> abc: ; as this is noise
				if (isStyleSheet(syntax) && expandedText === `${abbreviation}: \${1};`) {
					expandedText = '';
			} catch (e) {


		if (expandedText) {
			expandedAbbr = CompletionItem.create(abbreviation);
			expandedAbbr.textEdit = TextEdit.replace(abbreviationRange, expandedText);
			expandedAbbr.documentation = removeTabStops(expandedText);
			expandedAbbr.insertTextFormat = InsertTextFormat.Snippet;
			expandedAbbr.detail = 'Emmet Abbreviation';
			if (filters.indexOf('bem') > -1) {
				expandedAbbr.label = abbreviation + filterDelimitor + bemFilterSuffix;
			if (isStyleSheet(syntax)) {
				// See
				// Due to this we set filterText, sortText and label to expanded abbreviation
				// - Label makes it clear to the user what their choice is 
				// - FilterText fixes the issue when user types in propertyname and emmet uses it to match with abbreviations
				// - SortText will sort the choice in a way that is intutive to the user
				expandedAbbr.filterText = expandedAbbr.documentation;
				expandedAbbr.sortText = expandedAbbr.documentation;
				expandedAbbr.label = expandedAbbr.documentation;
				return CompletionList.create([expandedAbbr], true);
github vuejs / vetur / server / src / services / typescriptService / preprocess.ts View on Github external
export function parseVueTemplate(text: string): string {
  const doc = TextDocument.create('test://test/test.vue', 'vue', 0, text);
  const regions = getVueDocumentRegions(doc);
  const template = regions.getSingleTypeDocument('template');

  if (template.languageId !== 'vue-html') {
    return '';
  const rawText = template.getText();
  // skip checking on empty template
  if (rawText.replace(/\s/g, '') === '') {
    return '';
  return rawText.replace(/ {10}/, '<template>') + '</template>';
github codesandbox / codesandbox-client / standalone-packages / vscode-extensions / out / extensions / jpoissonnier.vscode-styled-components-0.0.26 / node_modules / vscode-css-languageservice / lib / umd / services / cssCompletion.js View on Github external
CSSCompletion.prototype.getCompletionsForSelector = function (ruleSet, isNested, result) {
            var _this = this;
            var existingNode = this.findInNodePath(nodes.NodeType.PseudoSelector, nodes.NodeType.IdentifierSelector, nodes.NodeType.ClassSelector, nodes.NodeType.ElementNameSelector);
            if (!existingNode && this.offset - this.currentWord.length > 0 && this.textDocument.getText()[this.offset - this.currentWord.length - 1] === ':') {
                // after the ':' of a pseudo selector, no node generated for just ':'
                this.currentWord = ':' + this.currentWord;
                this.defaultReplaceRange = vscode_languageserver_types_1.Range.create(vscode_languageserver_types_1.Position.create(this.position.line, this.position.character - this.currentWord.length), this.position);
            var pseudoClasses = languageFacts.cssDataManager.getPseudoClasses();
            pseudoClasses.forEach(function (entry) {
                var insertText = moveCursorInsideParenthesis(;
                var item = {
                    textEdit: vscode_languageserver_types_1.TextEdit.replace(_this.getCompletionRange(existingNode), insertText),
                    documentation: languageFacts.getEntryDescription(entry),
                    kind: vscode_languageserver_types_1.CompletionItemKind.Function,
                    insertTextFormat: !== insertText ? SnippetFormat : void 0
                if (strings.startsWith(, ':-')) {
                    item.sortText = 'x';
github onivim / oni / browser / src / Services / Language / CodeAction / CodeActionUI.ts View on Github external
.subscribe((newRange: types.Range) => {

            const line0 = newRange.start.line
            const line1 = newRange.end.line

            const startLine = Math.min(line0, line1)
            const endLine = Math.max(line0, line1)

            // Clamp range to lines
            const adjustedRange = types.Range.create(startLine, 0, endLine + 1, 0)

                type: "SELECTION_CHANGED",
                range: adjustedRange,