How to use the tslib.__rest function in tslib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tslib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github vega / vega-lite / build / src / normalize / core.js View on Github external
mapLayer(spec, _a) {
        // Special handling for extended layer spec
        var { parentEncoding, parentProjection } = _a, otherParams = tslib_1.__rest(_a, ["parentEncoding", "parentProjection"]);
        const { encoding, projection } = spec, rest = tslib_1.__rest(spec, ["encoding", "projection"]);
        const params = Object.assign({}, otherParams, { parentEncoding: mergeEncoding({ parentEncoding, encoding }), parentProjection: mergeProjection({ parentProjection, projection }) });
        return super.mapLayer(rest, params);
github vega / vega-lite / build / src / compile / axis / assemble.js View on Github external
export function assembleAxis(axisCmpt, kind, config, opt = { header: false }) {
    const _a = axisCmpt.combine(), { orient, scale, title, zindex } = _a, axis = tslib_1.__rest(_a, ["orient", "scale", "title", "zindex"]);
    // Remove properties that are not valid for this kind of axis
    keys(axis).forEach(key => {
        const propType = AXIS_PROPERTY_TYPE[key];
        if (propType && propType !== kind && propType !== 'both') {
            delete axis[key];
    if (kind === 'grid') {
        if (!axis.grid) {
            return undefined;
        // Remove unnecessary encode block
        if (axis.encode) {
            // Only need to keep encode block for grid
            const { grid } = axis.encode;
            axis.encode = Object.assign({}, (grid ? { grid } : {}));
github vega / vega-lite / build / src / compositemark / errorbar.js View on Github external
export function errorBarParams(spec, compositeMark, config) {
    // TODO: use selection
    const { mark, encoding, selection, projection: _p } = spec, outerSpec = tslib_1.__rest(spec, ["mark", "encoding", "selection", "projection"]);
    const markDef = isMarkDef(mark) ? mark : { type: mark };
    // TODO( add selection support
    if (selection) {
    const { orient, inputType } = errorBarOrientAndInputType(spec, compositeMark);
    const { continuousAxisChannelDef, continuousAxisChannelDef2, continuousAxisChannelDefError, continuousAxisChannelDefError2, continuousAxis } = compositeMarkContinuousAxis(spec, orient, compositeMark);
    const { errorBarSpecificAggregate, postAggregateCalculates, tooltipSummary, tooltipTitleWithFieldName } = errorBarAggregationAndCalculation(markDef, continuousAxisChannelDef, continuousAxisChannelDef2, continuousAxisChannelDefError, continuousAxisChannelDefError2, inputType, compositeMark, config);
    const _a = continuousAxis, oldContinuousAxisChannelDef = encoding[_a], _b = continuousAxis === 'x' ? 'x2' : 'y2', oldContinuousAxisChannelDef2 = encoding[_b], _c = continuousAxis === 'x' ? 'xError' : 'yError', oldContinuousAxisChannelDefError = encoding[_c], _d = continuousAxis === 'x' ? 'xError2' : 'yError2', oldContinuousAxisChannelDefError2 = encoding[_d], oldEncodingWithoutContinuousAxis = tslib_1.__rest(encoding, [typeof _a === "symbol" ? _a : _a + "", typeof _b === "symbol" ? _b : _b + "", typeof _c === "symbol" ? _c : _c + "", typeof _d === "symbol" ? _d : _d + ""]);
    const { bins, timeUnits, aggregate: oldAggregate, groupby: oldGroupBy, encoding: encodingWithoutContinuousAxis } = extractTransformsFromEncoding(oldEncodingWithoutContinuousAxis, config);
    const aggregate = [...oldAggregate, ...errorBarSpecificAggregate];
    const groupby = inputType !== 'raw' ? [] : oldGroupBy;
    const tooltipEncoding = getCompositeMarkTooltip(tooltipSummary, continuousAxisChannelDef, encodingWithoutContinuousAxis, tooltipTitleWithFieldName);
    return {
        transform: [
            ...(outerSpec.transform || []),
github abpframework / abp / npm / ng-packs / dist / core / fesm2015 / abp-ng.core.js View on Github external
request(request, config = {}, api) {
        const { observe = "body" /* Body */, skipHandleError } = config;
        /** @type {?} */
        const url = api || + request.url;
        const { method } = request, options = __rest(request, ["method"]);
        return this.http.request(method, url, (/** @type {?} */ (Object.assign({ observe }, options)))).pipe(observe === "body" /* Body */ ? take(1) : null, catchError((/**
         * @param {?} err
         * @return {?}
        err => {
            if (skipHandleError) {
                return throwError(err);
            return this.handleError(err);
github VoliJS / NestedReact / lib / createClass.js View on Github external
export default function createClass(_a) {
    var statics = _a.statics, a_spec = tslib_1.__rest(_a, ["statics"]);
    // Gather all methods to pin them to `this` later.
    var methods = [];
    var Subclass = Component.extend(tslib_1.__assign({ 
        // Override constructor to autobind all the methods...
        constructor: function () {
            Component.apply(this, arguments);
            for (var _i = 0, methods_1 = methods; _i < methods_1.length; _i++) {
                var method = methods_1[_i];
                this[method] = this[method].bind(this);
        } }, a_spec), statics);
    // Need to bind methods from mixins as well, so populate it here.
    var Proto = Subclass.prototype;
    for (var key in Proto) {
        if (Proto.hasOwnProperty(key) && dontAutobind.indexOf(key) === -1 && typeof Proto[key] === 'function') {
github vega / vega-lite / build / src / compile / repeater.js View on Github external
const fd = replaceRepeaterInFieldDef(channelDef, repeater);
        if (fd) {
            return fd;
        else if (isConditionalDef(channelDef)) {
            return { condition: channelDef.condition };
    else {
        if (hasConditionalFieldDef(channelDef)) {
            const fd = replaceRepeaterInFieldDef(channelDef.condition, repeater);
            if (fd) {
                return Object.assign({}, channelDef, { condition: fd });
            else {
                const { condition } = channelDef, channelDefWithoutCondition = tslib_1.__rest(channelDef, ["condition"]);
                return channelDefWithoutCondition;
        return channelDef;
    return undefined;
function replaceRepeater(mapping, repeater) {
github esnet / react-timeseries-charts / packages / react-timeseries-charts / dist / styler.js View on Github external
columns.forEach(function (column) {
                if (_.isString(column)) {
                    var c = column;
                    _this.columnStyles[c] = { key: c };
                else if (_.isObject(column)) {
                    var c = column;
                    var key = c.key, style = tslib_1.__rest(c, ["key"]);
                    _this.columnStyles[key] = style;
github apollographql / react-apollo / packages / components / lib / react-components.cjs.js View on Github external
Query.prototype.fetchData = function (client, context) {
        if (this.props.skip)
            return false;
        var _a = this.props, children = _a.children, ssr = _a.ssr, displayName = _a.displayName, skip = _a.skip, onCompleted = _a.onCompleted, onError = _a.onError, partialRefetch = _a.partialRefetch, opts = tslib.__rest(_a, ["children", "ssr", "displayName", "skip", "onCompleted", "onError", "partialRefetch"]);
        var fetchPolicy = opts.fetchPolicy;
        if (ssr === false)
            return false;
        if (fetchPolicy === 'network-only' || fetchPolicy === 'cache-and-network') {
            fetchPolicy = 'cache-first';
        var observable = client.watchQuery(tslib.__assign({}, opts, { fetchPolicy: fetchPolicy }));
        if (context && context.renderPromises) {
            context.renderPromises.registerSSRObservable(this, observable);
        var result = this.observableQuery.getCurrentResult();
        return result.loading ? observable.result() : false;
    Query.prototype.extractOptsFromProps = function (props) {
github fibo / trunx / component / Progress.js View on Github external
Progress.prototype.render = function () {
        var _a = this.props, isBlack = _a.isBlack, isDanger = _a.isDanger, isDark = _a.isDark, isInfo = _a.isInfo, isLarge = _a.isLarge, isLight = _a.isLight, isLink = _a.isLink, isMedium = _a.isMedium, isPrimary = _a.isPrimary, isSmall = _a.isSmall, isSuccess = _a.isSuccess, isWarning = _a.isWarning, isWhite = _a.isWhite, props = tslib_1.__rest(_a, ["isBlack", "isDanger", "isDark", "isInfo", "isLarge", "isLight", "isLink", "isMedium", "isPrimary", "isSmall", "isSuccess", "isWarning", "isWhite"]);
        var className = classnames("progress", modifiers_1.mainColorsPropsToClassnames({
            isDanger: isDanger,
            isInfo: isInfo,
            isLink: isLink,
            isPrimary: isPrimary,
            isSuccess: isSuccess,
            isWarning: isWarning,
        }), modifiers_1.shadeColorsPropsToClassnames({
            isBlack: isBlack,
            isDark: isDark,
            isLight: isLight,
            isWhite: isWhite,
        }), modifiers_1.sizePropsToClassnames({
            isLarge: isLarge,
            isMedium: isMedium,
            isSmall: isSmall,
github vega / vega-lite / build / src / compositemark.js View on Github external
add(exports.ERRORBAR, function (spec) {
    var _m = spec.mark, encoding = spec.encoding, outerSpec = tslib_1.__rest(spec, ["mark", "encoding"]);
    var _s = encoding.size, encodingWithoutSize = tslib_1.__rest(encoding, ["size"]);
    var _x2 = encoding.x2, _y2 = encoding.y2, encodingWithoutX2Y2 = tslib_1.__rest(encoding, ["x2", "y2"]);
    var _x = encodingWithoutX2Y2.x, _y = encodingWithoutX2Y2.y, encodingWithoutX_X2_Y_Y2 = tslib_1.__rest(encodingWithoutX2Y2, ["x", "y"]);
    if (!encoding.x2 && !encoding.y2) {
        throw new Error('Neither x2 or y2 provided');
    return tslib_1.__assign({}, outerSpec, { layer: [
                mark: 'rule',
                encoding: encodingWithoutSize
            }, {
                mark: 'tick',
                encoding: encodingWithoutX2Y2
            }, {
                mark: 'tick',
                encoding: encoding.x2 ? tslib_1.__assign({ x: encoding.x2, y: encoding.y }, encodingWithoutX_X2_Y_Y2) : tslib_1.__assign({ x: encoding.x, y: encoding.y2 }, encodingWithoutX_X2_Y_Y2)