How to use theme-ui - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few theme-ui examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jxnblk / gatsby-theme-mdx-blog / example / src / @jxnblk / gatsby-theme-mdx-blog / colors.js View on Github external
// imports seem to be broken
// import { colors } from '@jxnblk/gatsby-theme-mdx-blog'
// console.log(colors)

import colors from '@jxnblk/gatsby-theme-mdx-blog/src/colors'
import { get } from 'theme-ui'

// Colors for the theme can be configured by shadowing this file
export default {
  modes: {
    dark: get(colors, 'modes.dark'),
    book: {
      text: '#321',
      background: '#fefdf6',
      primary: '#a20',
      secondary: '#810',
      muted: '#f0f0e6',
github system-ui / theme-ui / packages / gatsby-plugin-theme-editor / src / edit.js View on Github external
export default props => {
  const context = useThemeUI()
  const [status, setStatus] = useState()

  const save = async e => {
    const theme = JSON.stringify(context.theme, null, 2)
    const res = await'/___theme', {
      json: {
    if (!res.ok) setStatus('error')
    else setStatus(null)
    // const text = await res.text()
github blocks / blocks / packages / mdx / editor / src / components / ui / Dropdown.js View on Github external
/** @jsx jsx */
import { jsx, Global } from '@emotion/core'
import { css } from 'theme-ui'
import { Menu, MenuButton, MenuList, MenuItem } from '@reach/menu-button'

// css prop doesn't work with reach ui
// styles must be global due to how portals are used
const styles = css({
  ':root': {
    '--reach-menu-button': 1
  '[data-reach-menu]': {
    display: 'block',
    position: 'absolute'
  '[data-reach-menu-list]': {
    display: 'block',
    position: 'relative',
    whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
    border: '1px solid lightgray',
    backgroundColor: 'white',
    outline: 'none',
    zIndex: 101
github hew / / src / elements.js View on Github external
/** @jsx jsx */
import 'babel-polyfill';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {jsx, Styled} from 'theme-ui';
import {Link as RouterLink} from 'react-router-dom';

/* MDX */
export const H1 = Styled.h1;
export const H2 = Styled.h2;
export const H3 = Styled.h3;
export const H4 = Styled.h4;

export const P = Styled.p;
export const Li =;
export const Ol = Styled.ol;

/* Layout/Variant */
export const Main = ({children}) =&gt; <main>{children}</main>;
export const Section = ({children}) =&gt; <section>{children}</section>;
export const Header = ({children}) =&gt; <header>{children}</header>;
export const Nav = ({children}) =&gt; <nav>{children}</nav>;
export const Footer = ({children}) =&gt; <footer>{children}</footer>;
export const Link = ({a, children}) =&gt; (
github hew / / src / elements.js View on Github external
/** @jsx jsx */
import 'babel-polyfill';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {jsx, Styled} from 'theme-ui';
import {Link as RouterLink} from 'react-router-dom';

/* MDX */
export const H1 = Styled.h1;
export const H2 = Styled.h2;
export const H3 = Styled.h3;
export const H4 = Styled.h4;

export const P = Styled.p;
export const Li =;
export const Ol = Styled.ol;

/* Layout/Variant */
export const Main = ({children}) =&gt; <main>{children}</main>;
export const Section = ({children}) =&gt; <section>{children}</section>;
export const Header = ({children}) =&gt; <header>{children}</header>;
export const Nav = ({children}) =&gt; <nav>{children}</nav>;
export const Footer = ({children}) =&gt; <footer>{children}</footer>;
export const Link = ({a, children}) =&gt; (
github hew / / src / elements.js View on Github external
/** @jsx jsx */
import 'babel-polyfill';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {jsx, Styled} from 'theme-ui';
import {Link as RouterLink} from 'react-router-dom';

/* MDX */
export const H1 = Styled.h1;
export const H2 = Styled.h2;
export const H3 = Styled.h3;
export const H4 = Styled.h4;

export const P = Styled.p;
export const Li =;
export const Ol = Styled.ol;

/* Layout/Variant */
export const Main = ({children}) =&gt; <main>{children}</main>;
export const Section = ({children}) =&gt; <section>{children}</section>;
export const Header = ({children}) =&gt; <header>{children}</header>;
export const Nav = ({children}) =&gt; <nav>{children}</nav>;
export const Footer = ({children}) =&gt; <footer>{children}</footer>;
export const Link = ({a, children}) =&gt; (
github hew / / src / elements.js View on Github external
/** @jsx jsx */
import 'babel-polyfill';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {jsx, Styled} from 'theme-ui';
import {Link as RouterLink} from 'react-router-dom';

/* MDX */
export const H1 = Styled.h1;
export const H2 = Styled.h2;
export const H3 = Styled.h3;
export const H4 = Styled.h4;

export const P = Styled.p;
export const Li =;
export const Ol = Styled.ol;

/* Layout/Variant */
export const Main = ({children}) =&gt; <main>{children}</main>;
export const Section = ({children}) =&gt; <section>{children}</section>;
export const Header = ({children}) =&gt; <header>{children}</header>;
export const Nav = ({children}) =&gt; <nav>{children}</nav>;
export const Footer = ({children}) =&gt; <footer>{children}</footer>;
export const Link = ({a, children}) =&gt; (
github hew / / src / elements.js View on Github external
/** @jsx jsx */
import 'babel-polyfill';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {jsx, Styled} from 'theme-ui';
import {Link as RouterLink} from 'react-router-dom';

/* MDX */
export const H1 = Styled.h1;
export const H2 = Styled.h2;
export const H3 = Styled.h3;
export const H4 = Styled.h4;

export const P = Styled.p;
export const Li =;
export const Ol = Styled.ol;

/* Layout/Variant */
export const Main = ({children}) =&gt; <main>{children}</main>;
export const Section = ({children}) =&gt; <section>{children}</section>;
export const Header = ({children}) =&gt; <header>{children}</header>;
export const Nav = ({children}) =&gt; <nav>{children}</nav>;
export const Footer = ({children}) =&gt; <footer>{children}</footer>;
export const Link = ({a, children}) =&gt; (

github hew / / src / elements.js View on Github external
/** @jsx jsx */
import 'babel-polyfill';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {jsx, Styled} from 'theme-ui';
import {Link as RouterLink} from 'react-router-dom';

/* MDX */
export const H1 = Styled.h1;
export const H2 = Styled.h2;
export const H3 = Styled.h3;
export const H4 = Styled.h4;

export const P = Styled.p;
export const Li =;
export const Ol = Styled.ol;

/* Layout/Variant */
export const Main = ({children}) =&gt; <main>{children}</main>;
export const Section = ({children}) =&gt; <section>{children}</section>;
export const Header = ({children}) =&gt; <header>{children}</header>;
export const Nav = ({children}) =&gt; <nav>{children}</nav>;
export const Footer = ({children}) =&gt; <footer>{children}</footer>;
export const Link = ({a, children}) =&gt; (

  MDX elements that can be rendered outside of markdown
github hew / / src / elements.js View on Github external
/** @jsx jsx */
import 'babel-polyfill';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {jsx, Styled} from 'theme-ui';
import {Link as RouterLink} from 'react-router-dom';

/* MDX */
export const H1 = Styled.h1;
export const H2 = Styled.h2;
export const H3 = Styled.h3;
export const H4 = Styled.h4;

export const P = Styled.p;
export const Li =;
export const Ol = Styled.ol;

/* Layout/Variant */
export const Main = ({children}) =&gt; <main>{children}</main>;
export const Section = ({children}) =&gt; <section>{children}</section>;
export const Header = ({children}) =&gt; <header>{children}</header>;
export const Nav = ({children}) =&gt; <nav>{children}</nav>;
export const Footer = ({children}) =&gt; <footer>{children}</footer>;
export const Link = ({a, children}) =&gt; (
