How to use the tabris.NavigationView function in tabris

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tabris examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github eclipsesource / tabris-js / snippets / navigationview-searchaction.js View on Github external
import {Button, Composite, NavigationView, Page, SearchAction, TextView, contentView, device} from 'tabris';

// Create an action on NavigationView to perform a search with dynamic proposals

const PROPOSALS = ['baseball', 'batman', 'battleship', 'bangkok', 'bangladesh', 'banana'];

const navigationView = new NavigationView({
  left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0

const page = new Page({
  title: 'Search action'

const searchBox = new Composite({
  centerX: 0, centerY: 0

const textView = new TextView().appendTo(searchBox);

const action = new SearchAction({
  title: 'Search',
  image: {
github eclipsesource / tabris-js / test / typescript / Widgets / View on Github external
import {NavigationView, Button, Page, Action} from 'tabris';

let widget = new NavigationView();
widget.append(new Button());

class CustomPage extends Page {
  public foo: string;

class CustomAction extends Action {
  public bar: string;

const badlyTypedNavigationView1: NavigationView = new NavigationView();
const badlyTypedNavigationView2: NavigationView = new NavigationView();
const badlyTypedNavigationView3: NavigationView = new NavigationView();
const typedNavigationView: NavigationView = new NavigationView();
typedNavigationView.append(new Action());
typedNavigationView.append(new Page());

'Button' is not assignable to parameter
does not satisfy the constraint
does not satisfy the constraint
does not satisfy the constraint
not assignable to parameter
github eclipsesource / tabris-js / test / typescript / Widgets / View on Github external
import {NavigationView, Button, Page, Action} from 'tabris';

let widget = new NavigationView();
widget.append(new Button());

class CustomPage extends Page {
  public foo: string;

class CustomAction extends Action {
  public bar: string;

const badlyTypedNavigationView1: NavigationView = new NavigationView();
const badlyTypedNavigationView2: NavigationView = new NavigationView();
const badlyTypedNavigationView3: NavigationView = new NavigationView();
const typedNavigationView: NavigationView = new NavigationView();
typedNavigationView.append(new Action());
typedNavigationView.append(new Page());

'Button' is not assignable to parameter
does not satisfy the constraint
does not satisfy the constraint
does not satisfy the constraint
github eclipsesource / tabris-js / test / typescript / Widgets / View on Github external
let widget = new NavigationView();
widget.append(new Button());

class CustomPage extends Page {
  public foo: string;

class CustomAction extends Action {
  public bar: string;

const badlyTypedNavigationView1: NavigationView = new NavigationView();
const badlyTypedNavigationView2: NavigationView = new NavigationView();
const badlyTypedNavigationView3: NavigationView = new NavigationView();
const typedNavigationView: NavigationView = new NavigationView();
typedNavigationView.append(new Action());
typedNavigationView.append(new Page());

'Button' is not assignable to parameter
does not satisfy the constraint
does not satisfy the constraint
does not satisfy the constraint
not assignable to parameter
not assignable to parameter
github eclipsesource / tabris-js / snippets / popover.js View on Github external
function showPopover() {
  const popover = new Popover({width: 300, height: 400, anchor: button})
    .on('close', () => console.log('Popover closed'))
  const navigationView = new NavigationView({
    layoutData: {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0},
    navigationAction: new Action({
      title: 'Close',
      image: {
        src: device.platform === 'iOS' ? 'resources/close-black-24dp@3x.png' : 'resources/close-white-24dp@3x.png',
        scale: 3
    }).on('select', () => popover.close())
  const page = new Page({title: 'Popover'}).appendTo(navigationView);
  new TextView({centerX: 0, centerY: 0, text: 'Hello popover'}).appendTo(page);
github eclipsesource / tabris-js / examples / cordova / app.js View on Github external
const {Button, Page, NavigationView, ScrollView, contentView} = require('tabris');
const ToastPage = require('./ToastPage');
const SharingPage = require('./SharingPage');
const MotionPage = require('./MotionPage');
const NetworkPage = require('./NetworkPage');
const MediaPage = require('./MediaPage');
const CameraPage = require('./CameraPage');

const navigationView = new NavigationView({left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0})

const mainPage = new Page({
  title: 'Cordova Examples'

const contentContainer = new ScrollView({
  left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, padding: 16

github eclipsesource / tabris-js / snippets / navigationview-action-placement.js View on Github external
import {Action, NavigationView, contentView, device} from 'tabris';

const navigationView = new NavigationView({
  left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0

createAction('Close', getImage('close'), 'navigation');
createAction('Settings', getImage('settings'), 'default');
createAction('Share', getImage('share'), 'overflow');

function createAction(title, image, placement) {
  new Action({
    image: {src: image, scale: 3}

function getImage(image) {
github eclipsesource / tabris-js / examples / reddit / reddit.js View on Github external
const {CollectionView, Composite, ImageView, NavigationView, Page, TextView, WebView, contentView} = require('tabris');

const ITEM_FETCH_COUNT = 25;

let loading;
let items = [];

const navigationView = new NavigationView({
  left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0

const page = new Page({
  title: 'Reddit - Pets'

const collectionView = new CollectionView({
  left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0,
  background: '#f5f5f5',
  refreshEnabled: true,
  cellHeight: 96,
  cellType: index => items[index].loading ? 'loading' : 'normal',
  createCell: (type) => {
    if (type === 'normal') {
      return createItemCell();
github eclipsesource / tabris-js / examples / animation / app.js View on Github external
const animationPage = require('./simple');
const peoplePage = require('./people');
const trayPage = require('./tray');
const {Button, NavigationView, Page, contentView} = require('tabris');

const navigationView = new NavigationView({
  left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0

const mainPage = new Page({
  title: 'Animation Examples'

[animationPage, peoplePage, trayPage].forEach((page) => {
  new Button({
    left: 8, top: 'prev() 8', right: 8,
    text: page.title
  }).on('select', () => page.appendTo(navigationView))
github eclipsesource / tabris-js / snippets / drawer-pages.ts View on Github external
import {
  Button, CollectionView, Composite, ImageView, NavigationView, Page, TextView, contentView, drawer
} from 'tabris';

const PAGE_CONFIGS: Array<{title: string, icon: string}> = [
  {title: 'Basket', icon: 'resources/page.png'},
  {title: 'Checkout', icon: 'resources/page.png'}

const navigationView = new NavigationView({
  left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0,
  drawerActionVisible: true,
  pageAnimation: 'none'

drawer.enabled = true;

new ImageView({
  left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, height: 200,
  image: 'resources/landscape.jpg',
  scaleMode: 'stretch'

const pageSelector = new CollectionView({
  left: 0, top: 'prev()', right: 0, bottom: 0,
  itemCount: PAGE_CONFIGS.length,