How to use the recursive-copy function in recursive-copy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few recursive-copy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github rhiokim / flybook / libs / main.js View on Github external
/* mkdir output dir */

      /* gen new files */
      writeFileSync(outputFile, html, { encoding: 'utf8' })

      // log
      if (!silent) {
        console.log('>', key, '-', title, '\n', outputFile)

  /* copy static assets */
  copy(join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'static'), join(outDir, 'static')).then(result => {
    console.log(`> FlyBook was generated at ${outDir}`)

  /* copy assets which is used in docs */
  const files: string[] = glob.sync(
    join(docDir, '**', '!(*.md|*.markdown|*.mdown|*.mkdn|*.mkd|*.mdwn|*.mkdown|toc.yml)'),
      ignore: [join(docDir, 'node_modules', '**')],
      nodir: true
  ) => normalize(file)).forEach(file => {
    copySync(file, file.replace(docDir, outDir))
github zeit / next.js / packages / next / export / index.js View on Github external
await mkdirp(join(outDir, '_next', buildId))

  // Copy static directory
  if (existsSync(join(dir, 'static'))) {
    log('  copying "static" directory')
    await cp(
      join(dir, 'static'),
      join(outDir, 'static'),
      { expand: true }

  // Copy .next/static directory
  if (existsSync(join(distDir, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH))) {
    log('  copying "static build" directory')
    await cp(
      join(distDir, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH),
      join(outDir, '_next', CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH)

  // Get the exportPathMap from the config file
  if (typeof nextConfig.exportPathMap !== 'function') {
    console.log(`> No "exportPathMap" found in "${CONFIG_FILE}". Generating map from "./pages"`)
    nextConfig.exportPathMap = async (defaultMap) => {
      return defaultMap

  // Start the rendering process
  const renderOpts = {
github lnlfps / symph-joy / export / index.js View on Github external
defaultPathMap['/404'] = { page }

    defaultPathMap[page] = { page }

  // Initialize the output directory
  const outDir = options.outdir
  await del(join(outDir, '*'))
  // await mkdirp(join(outDir, '_joy', buildId))

  // Copy static directory
  if (existsSync(join(dir, 'static'))) {
    log('  copying "static" directory')
    await cp(
      join(dir, 'static'),
      join(outDir, 'static'),
      { expand: true }

  // Copy .joy/static directory
  if (existsSync(join(distDir, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH))) {
    log('  copying "static build" directory')
    await cp(
      join(distDir, CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH),
      join(outDir, '_joy', CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_PATH)

  // Get the exportPathMap from the config file
github codeBelt / generate-template-files / src / GenerateTemplateFiles.ts View on Github external
            transform: (src: string, dest: string, stats: unknown) => {
                return through((chunk: any, enc: any, done: any) => {
                    let output: string = chunk.toString();

                    replacers.forEach((replacer: IReplacer) => {
                        output = replaceString(output, replacer.slot, replacer.slotValue);

                    done(null, output);

        try {
            await recursiveCopy(entryFolderPath, outputPath, recursiveCopyOptions);

  `Files outed to: '${outputPath}'`);

            return outputtedFilesAndFolders.filter(Boolean);
        } catch (error) {
            console.error(`Copy failed: ${error}`);

            return [`Copy failed: ${error}`];
github preactjs / preact-cli / src / commands / init.js View on Github external
if (exists && !response.force) {
			process.stderr.write('Error: Cannot initialize in the current directory, please specify a different destination or use --force\n'));

		let spinner = ora({
			text: 'Creating project',
			color: 'magenta'

		if (!exists) {
			await Promise.promisify(mkdirp)(target);

		await copy(
			path.resolve(__dirname, '../..', template),
			{ filter: ['**/*', '!build'] }

		spinner.text = 'Initializing project';

		await initialize(response.yarn, target);

		let pkg = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(path.resolve(target, 'package.json')));

		pkg.scripts = await pkgScripts(response.yarn, pkg);

		try {
			await fs.stat(path.resolve(target, 'src'));
github iamturns / create-exposed-app / src / core / copy.ts View on Github external
export const copy = (
  sourcePath: string,
  destPath: string,
  viewData: ViewData,
): CopyOperation[] => {
  const recuriveCopyOptions = {
    overwrite: true,
    dot: true,
    rename: (filePath: string) => {
      const destinationPath = toDestinationPath(filePath, viewData)
      logDebug("Copy %s to %s", filePath, destinationPath)
      return destinationPath

  return recursiveCopy(sourcePath, destPath, recuriveCopyOptions)
    .on(, onCopyComplete)
    .on(, onCopyError)
github Esri / arcgis-js-cli / src / lib / cleanDirectories.js View on Github external
rimraf(`${target}/src/widgets/WidgetName/`, async () => {
        await copy(`${target}/src/`, dest + "/");
        await copy(`${target}/tests/`, tests + "/");
        rimraf(`${target}/**`, resolve);
github logux / / scripts / steps / copy-well-known.js View on Github external
await Promise.all( i => {
    if (i.endsWith('/')) {
      let from = join(SRC, 'well-known', i.slice(0, -1))
      let to = join(DIST, i.slice(0, -1))
      let files = await copyDir(from, to)
      for (let file of files) {
        if (file.dest !== to) {
    } else {
      let from = join(SRC, 'well-known', i)
      let to = join(DIST, i)
      if (i === 'security.txt') to = join(DIST, '.well-known', i)
      await fs.copyFile(from, to)


Simple, flexible file copy utility

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Popular recursive-copy functions