How to use the postprocessing.BloomEffect function in postprocessing

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few postprocessing examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sneha-belkhale / AI4Animation-js / src / MainScene.js View on Github external
  // set up controls
    // eslint-disable-next-line
    const controls = new OrbitControls(camera);

  renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true });
  renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

  composer = new EffectComposer(renderer);
  const renderPass = new RenderPass(scene, camera);

  const bloomPass = new EffectPass(camera, new BloomEffect({
    distinction: 0.1,
  bloomPass.renderToScreen = true;


  // add a point light to follow the dog
  light = new THREE.PointLight(0x6eabfb, 0.7, 8);
  light.position.y = 5;
  bottomLight = new THREE.PointLight(0xff0000, 0.7, 8);
  bottomLight.position.y = -5;
github slammayjammay / hyper-postprocessing / examples / effects / space-travel / index.js View on Github external
scaleEffects.push(new Effect(
		readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, '../../glsl/sampling.glsl')).toString(),
			blendFunction: 13 // normal -- overwrite

	// space
	spaceEffects.push(new Effect(
		readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, '../../glsl/space-travel.glsl')).toString()

	// bloom
	spaceEffects.push(new BloomEffect({
		kernelSize: 3,
		distinction: -0.5

	return [
		{ pass: new EffectPass(null, ...scaleEffects) },
		{ pass: new EffectPass(null, ...spaceEffects) }
github slammayjammay / hyper-postprocessing / examples / effects / retro / index.js View on Github external
[ 'ambientLight', new THREE.Uniform(0.05)], 
			[ 'pixelHeight', new THREE.Uniform(8.0)], 
			[ 'pixelization', new THREE.Uniform(false)], 
			[ 'rbgSplit', new THREE.Uniform(0.2)], 

new THREE.TextureLoader().load(resolve(__dirname, '../../images/allNoise512.png'), texture => {
	texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
	texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
	texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
	retroEffect.uniforms.get('noiseSource').value = texture;

const bloomEffect = new POSTPROCESSING.BloomEffect({
	kernelSize: 3,
	distinction: 0.2,
	// blendFunction: POSTPROCESSING.BlendFunction.AVERAGE,

const frameEffect = new GlslEffect('retro_frame', {
		uniforms: new Map([
			[ 'frameColor', new THREE.Uniform(new THREE.Vector3(245/255, 238/255, 216/255))], 
			[ 'screenCurvature', new THREE.Uniform(screenCurvature)], 

function coordinateTransform(x, y) {
	x -= 0.5;
	y -= 0.5;
github slammayjammay / hyper-postprocessing / examples / effects / glitch / index.js View on Github external
module.exports = ({ hyperTerm, xTerm }) => {
	const effects = [];

	effects.push(new GlitchEffect({
		delay: new Vector2(1, 7),
		duration: new Vector2(0, 1),
		columns: 0.05

	effects.push(new BloomEffect({
		kernelSize: 3,
		distinction: 1,
		blendFunction: 1 // add

	effects.push(new ScanlineEffect({ density: 1.3 }));
	effects.push(new SepiaEffect({ intensity: 0.5 }));
	effects.push(new VignetteEffect({
		darkness: 0.6,
		offset: 0

	effects.push(new Effect(
		readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, '../../glsl/curved-monitor.glsl')).toString()
github slammayjammay / hyper-postprocessing / examples / quick-start.js View on Github external
// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.ShockWaveEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.ScanlineEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.PixelationEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.NoiseEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.OutlineEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.HueSaturationEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.GridEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(cameraFar, new pp.GodRaysEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.GlitchEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.GammaCorrectionEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.DotScreenEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.DepthEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.ChromaticAberrationEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.ColorAverageEffect()),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.BrightnessContrastEffect()),
		new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.BloomEffect({ resolutionScale: 0.2, distinction: 0.2 })),
		// new pp.EffectPass(null, new pp.BloomEffect()),
	] };
github typpo / spacekit / src / Simulation.js View on Github external
fog: false,
    const sun = new THREE.Mesh(sunGeometry, sunMaterial);
    const rescaled = rescaleArray([0.1, 0.1, 0.0]);
    sun.position.set(rescaled[0], rescaled[1], rescaled[2]);

    const godRaysEffect = new GodRaysEffect(camera, sun, {
      color: 0xfff5f2,
      blur: false,
    //godRaysEffect.dithering = true;

    const bloomEffect = new BloomEffect(this._scene, camera, {
      width: 240,
      height: 240,
      luminanceThreshold: 0.2,
    bloomEffect.inverted = true;
    bloomEffect.blendMode.opacity.value = 2.3;

    const renderPass = new RenderPass(this._scene, camera);
    renderPass.renderToScreen = false;

    const effectPass = new EffectPass(
      /*smaaEffect, godRaysEffect*/ bloomEffect,
    effectPass.renderToScreen = true;
github luan007 / libao / three-helper.js View on Github external
const bokehEffect = new post_pss.RealisticBokehEffect({
            focus: 90.0,
            focalLength: 190,
            luminanceThreshold: 0.325,
            luminanceGain: 2.0,
            bias: -0.35,
            fringe: 0.7,
            maxBlur: 50,
            rings: 5,
            samples: 5,
            showFocus: false,
            manualDoF: false,
            pentagon: true

        const bloomEffect = new post_pss.BloomEffect({
            blendFunction: post_pss.BlendFunction.ADD,
            resolutionScale: 0.5,
            distinction: 4.0
        bloomEffect.blendMode.opacity.value = 2.1;

        var bokeh = new post_pss.EffectPass(, bokehEffect, bloomEffect);
        composer.bokeh = bokeh;
        bokeh.renderToScreen = true;
        window.bokeh = bokeh;

    return composer;