How to use the path.format function in path

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few path examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bartbutenaers / node-red-contrib-ui-svg / svg_graphics.js View on Github external
svgString = svgString.replace(/(xlink:href="file:\/\/)([^"]*)(")/g, function(match, $1, $2, $3, offset, input_string) {
            if (! {
                console.log("For svg node with id=" + + " no image directory has been specified");  
                // Leave the local file path untouched, since we cannot load the specified image
                return $1 + $2 + $3; 
            var fileName = $2;
            var url = path.format({
                root: '/ignored',
                base: fileName

            if (!fs.existsSync(url)) {
                console.log("The specified local image file (" + url + ") does not exist");  
                // Leave the local file path untouched, since we cannot load the specified image
                return $1 + $2 + $3; 
            try {
                var data = fs.readFileSync(url);
                var contentType = mime.lookup(url);
github linkedin / css-blocks / packages / @css-blocks / glimmer / src / Resolver.ts View on Github external
function toPodsPath(base: string, templatePath: string, ext: string): string {
  let pods = path.parse(templatePath);
  delete pods.base; // Required for path.format to pick up new extension. = "stylesheet";
  pods.ext = `.block.${ext}`;
  return path.join(base, path.format(pods));
github prijs / pri / src / built-in-plugins / command-dev / plugin / project-dev.ts View on Github external
// Start dashboard client production server
    serverPort: dashboardServerPort,
    clientPort: dashboardClientPort,
    staticRootPath: path.join(pri.projectRootPath, tempPath.dir, 'static'),
    hash: projectState.get('dashboardHash'),

  // Serve project
  await runWebpackDevServer({
    mode: 'development',
    autoOpenBrowser: true,
    hot: pri.sourceConfig.hotReload,
    publicPath: globalState.sourceConfig.publicPath,
    entryPath: path.join(globalState.projectRootPath, path.format(tempJsEntryPath)),
    devServerPort: freePort,
    htmlTemplatePath: path.join(__dirname, '../../../../template-project.ejs'),
    htmlTemplateArgs: {
github phaux / es-serve / lib / index.js View on Github external

    path = rewriteDir(path)

    const ignored = IGNORE.some(ignore => {
      ignore = join('/', ignore, '/')
      return path.substr(0, ignore.length) == ignore

    const convert = EXTS.includes(extname(path))

    if (!ignored && convert) {
      const exts = EXTS.filter(ext => ext != extname(path))
      for (const ext of [extname(path), ...exts]) {
        const {dir, name} = parse(path)
        const file = format({dir, name, ext})
        const mtime = await stat(join(ROOT, file))
          .then(stats => (stats.isFile() ? stats.mtime : undefined))
          .catch(() => undefined)
        if (mtime) {
          const entry = CACHE.get(file)
          res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/javascript')
          if (entry && +entry.mtime == +mtime) {
            if (VERBOSE) console.log('200', file, '(cache)')
            return res.end(entry.code)
          else {
            const result = await transformFileAsync(join(ROOT, file), {
              plugins: [[require('babel-plugin-bare-import-rewrite'), {extensions: EXTS}]],
              cwd: ROOT,
            if (!result) throw new Error('Babel transformation failed')
github AnuraConfig / anura-server / server / dataManager / FileSystem / index.js View on Github external
_createInfoFile(item, dir) {
        fs.writeFileSync(path.format({ dir, base: getFileName(filesConst.INFO_FILE) }), JSON.stringify(item));
    _createConfigFile(dir, data, type, key) {
github bruderstein / unexpected-preact / src / helpers / snapshots.js View on Github external
function getSnapshotPath(testPath) {
  const testPathParsed = path.parse(testPath);
  testPathParsed.dir = path.join(testPathParsed.dir, '__snapshots__');
  testPathParsed.base = + '.unexpected-snap';

  return path.format(testPathParsed);
github Weasyl / weasyl / build.js View on Github external
const addFilenameSuffix = (relativePath, suffix) => {
    const pathInfo = path.parse(relativePath);

    return path.format({
        dir: pathInfo.dir,
        name: + '-' + suffix,
        ext: pathInfo.ext,
github urbanjs / urbanjs-tools / gulp / generate-package-files.js View on Github external
.pipe(through2.obj((file, enc, cb) => {
      const rawPkg = JSON.parse(file.contents);

      rawPkg.engines = pkg.engines;
      rawPkg.license = pkg.license; =;
      rawPkg.repository = pkg.repository;
      rawPkg.dependencies = applyVersions(rawPkg.dependencies);
      rawPkg.devDependencies = applyVersions(rawPkg.devDependencies);

      cb(null, Object.assign(file, {
        contents: new Buffer(JSON.stringify(rawPkg)),
        path: path.format(Object.assign(path.parse(file.path), {
          base: 'package.json'
github Tencent / omi / packages / omip / my-app-ts / scripts / taro-cli / src / h5.js View on Github external
function classifyFiles (filename) {
  const relPath = path.normalize(
    path.relative(appPath, filename)
  if (path.relative(filename, entryFilePath) === '') return FILE_TYPE.ENTRY

  let relSrcPath = path.relative('src', relPath)
  relSrcPath = path.format({
    dir: path.dirname(relSrcPath),
    base: path.basename(relSrcPath, path.extname(relSrcPath))

  const isPage = pages.some(page => {
    const relPage = path.normalize(
      path.relative(appPath, page)
    if (path.relative(relPage, relSrcPath) === '') return true

  if (isPage) {
    return FILE_TYPE.PAGE
  } else {
github jonschlinkert / add-filename-increment / index.js View on Github external

  if (options.strip === true) { = strip.increment(, options);
    file.dir = strip.increment(file.dir, options);
    file.base = + file.ext;

  if (options.fs === true) {
    let name =;
    let dest = path.format(file);

    while (fs.existsSync(dest)) {
      file.base = fn(name, start++) + file.ext;
      dest = path.format(file);
  } else {
    file.base = fn(, start) + file.ext;

  file.path = path.join(file.dir, file.base);
  return file;