How to use the parse-server.ParseServer function in parse-server

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few parse-server examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github shiki / kaiseki / test / parse-server / index.js View on Github external
// Example express application adding the parse-server module to expose Parse
// compatible API routes.
'use strict';
const express = require('express');
const ParseServer = require('parse-server').ParseServer;
const config = require('../config.js');
const port = 1337;
const attr = {
    databaseURI: process.env.DB_URI || 'mongodb://localhost:27017/dev',
    appId: config.applicationId,
    masterKey: 'myMasterKey', //Add your master key here. Keep it secret!
    serverURL: 'http://localhost:' + port + config.mountPath,
var api = new ParseServer(attr);
var app = express();
app.use(config.mountPath, api);'/shutdown', function (req, res) {
var httpServer = require('http').createServer(app);
httpServer.listen(port, function () {
    console.log('running on port ' + port + '.');
    console.log('mount path', config.mountPath, '.');
github Fedeorlandau / parse-model-factory / test / lib / index.js View on Github external
const createServer = async () => {
    const app = express();
    const port = 8000;
    const mongoServerInstance = new MongoInMemory(port); // DEFAULT PORT is 27017
    await mongoServerInstance.start();
    const mongouri = mongoServerInstance.getMongouri('myDatabaseName');
    const api = new ParseServer({
      databaseURI: mongouri,
      appId: 'myAppId',
      masterKey: 'myMasterKey',
      javascriptKey: 'javascriptKey',
      fileKey: 'optionalFileKey',
      restAPIKey: 'java',
      serverURL: 'http://localhost:1337/parse',
    app.use('/parse', api);

    app.get('/find', async (req, res) => {
      try {
        const testObjects = await TestObject._find(TestObject._query());

        if (testObjects) {
github gimdongwoo / docker-parse-mongo / parse-server / index.js View on Github external
var ParseDashboard = require('parse-dashboard');

// express
var app = express();

// Serve static assets from the /public folder
app.use('/public', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/public')));

// create api server
if (!PARSE_APP.databaseUri) {
  console.log('DATABASE_URI not specified, falling back to localhost.');

// parse server
var api = new ParseServer({
  databaseURI: PARSE_APP.databaseUri || 'mongodb://localhost:27017/dev',
  cloud: PARSE_APP.cloudCodeMain || __dirname + '/cloud/main.js',
  appId: PARSE_APP.appId || 'myAppId',
  masterKey: PARSE_APP.masterKey || '', //Add your master key here. Keep it secret!
  fileKey: PARSE_APP.fileKey || '', // Add the file key to provide access to files already hosted on Parse
  serverURL: PARSE_APP.localServerURL || PARSE_APP.serverURL || 'http://localhost:1337/parse',  // Don't forget to change to https if needed
  // liveQuery: {
  //   classNames: ["Posts", "Comments"] // List of classes to support for query subscriptions
  // },
  // push: {
  //   android: { senderId: process.env.GCM_SENDER_ID, apiKey: process.env.GCM_API_KEY },
  //   ios: [
  //     { pfx: __dirname + "/push/aps_development.p12", bundleId: process.env.APP_BUNDLE_ID, production: false },
  //     { pfx: __dirname + "/push/aps_production.p12", bundleId: process.env.APP_BUNDLE_ID, production: true }
  //   ]
  // },
github LasaleFamine / docker-mongo-parse-server / parse-server / index.js View on Github external
const app = express();

const {
} = process.env;

const api = new ParseServer({
  databaseURI: 'mongodb://mongo-parse-server/', // Connection string for your MongoDB database
  appId: APP_ID,
  masterKey: MASTER_KEY,
  fileKey: 'optionalFileKey',
  serverURL: 'http://localhost:1337/parse', // Don't forget to change to https if needed
  push: {
    android: {
      senderId: GCM_SENDER_ID,
      apiKey: GCM_API_KEY
    ios: [
        pfx: PFX_PATH_DEV, // The filename of private key and certificate in PFX or PKCS12 format from disk
        passphrase: PFX_PASS_DEV, // optional password to your p12
        bundleId: APP_BUNDLE_ID, // The bundle identifier associate with your app
        production: false // Specifies which APNS environment to connect to: Production (if true) or Sandbox
github felixrieseberg / parse-docker / parse.js View on Github external
const express       = require('express');
const ParseServer   = require('parse-server').ParseServer;

const app  = express();
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;

// Specify the connection string for your mongodb database
// and the location to your Parse cloud code
const parse = new ParseServer({
    databaseURI: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/dev',
    cloud: '/usr/src/parse/cloud/main.js',
    appId: process.env.APP_ID,
    masterKey: process.env.MASTER_KEY,
    fileKey: process.env.FILE_KEY,
    serverURL: 'http://localhost:1337/parse'

// Serve the Parse API on the /parse URL prefix
app.use('/parse', parse);

// Hello world
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    res.status(200).send('Express is running here.');
github acmeyer / open-source-coinbase-index-fund / src / server.js View on Github external
Parse.serverURL = SERVER_URL;
Parse.masterKey = MASTER_KEY;

if (cluster.isMaster) {
  for (let i = 0; i < WORKERS; i += 1) {
} else {
  const server = express();

    new ParseServer({
      databaseURI: DATABASE_URI,
      cloud: path.resolve(__dirname, 'cloud.js'),
      appId: APP_ID,
      masterKey: MASTER_KEY,
      serverURL: SERVER_URL,

  let users = [];
    DASHBOARD_USERS.split(',').map(u => {
      let [user, pass] = u.split(':');
      users.push({user, pass});
github bakery / todomvc-react-native / server / src / parse-server / index.js View on Github external
setup (app, appName, settings) {
    Parse.initialize(settings.parseServerApplicationId, 'js-key', settings.parseServerMasterKey);
    Parse.serverURL = settings.parseServerURL;

    const api = new ParseServer({
      appId: settings.parseServerApplicationId,
      masterKey: settings.parseServerMasterKey,
      serverURL: settings.parseServerURL,
      databaseURI: settings.parseServerDatabaseURI

    app.use('/parse', api);

        apps: [{
          serverURL: settings.parseServerURL,
          appId: settings.parseServerApplicationId,
          masterKey: settings.parseServerMasterKey,
github yongjhih / docker-parse-server / index.js View on Github external
if (!process.env.hasOwnProperty(env)) {

    var env_parameters = /^AUTH_([^_]*)_(.+)/.exec(env);

    if (env_parameters !== null) {
        if (typeof auth[env_parameters[1].toLowerCase()] === "undefined") {
            auth[env_parameters[1].toLowerCase()] = {};

        auth[env_parameters[1].toLowerCase()][env_parameters[2].toLowerCase()] = process.env[env];

var api = new ParseServer({
    databaseURI: databaseUri || 'mongodb://localhost:27017/dev',
    databaseOptions: databaseOptions,
    cloud: process.env.CLOUD_CODE_MAIN || __dirname + '/cloud/main.js',

    appId: process.env.APP_ID || 'myAppId',
    masterKey: process.env.MASTER_KEY, //Add your master key here. Keep it secret!
    serverURL: serverURL,

    collectionPrefix: process.env.COLLECTION_PREFIX,
    clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY,
    restAPIKey: process.env.REST_API_KEY,
    javascriptKey: process.env.JAVASCRIPT_KEY,
    dotNetKey: process.env.DOTNET_KEY,
    fileKey: process.env.FILE_KEY,
    filesAdapter: filesAdapter,
github beachio / chisel-parse-server-starter / index.js View on Github external
  publicServerURL: URL_SERVER

const cps = parseConfig.customPages;
for (let p in cps) {
  cps[p] = URL_SITE + cps[p];

module.exports.parseConfig = parseConfig;
module.exports.URL_SITE = URL_SITE;
module.exports.StripeConfig = StripeConfig;

const API = new ParseServer(parseConfig);
const app = new express();
app.use('/parse', API);

  const dashboardConfig = {
    apps: [{
      serverURL: URL_SERVER,
      appId: APP_ID,
      masterKey: MASTER_KEY,
      appName: parseConfig.appName
    trustProxy: 1,
    allowInsecureHTTP: 1
github ohmlabs / ohm / lib / infra / parse-manager.js View on Github external
configureCommon(nconf, app, io) {
      app.use(nconf.get('PARSE_PATH'), new ParseServer({
        databaseURI: nconf.get('MONGO_URI') ? nconf.get('MONGO_URI') : 'mongodb://' + nconf.get('MONGO_HOST') + ':' + nconf.get('MONGO_PORT') + '/' + nconf.get('MONGO_DB'),
        appId: nconf.get('PARSE_APPLICATION_ID'),
        masterKey: nconf.get('PARSE_MASTER_KEY'),
        serverURL: 'http://' + nconf.get('host') + ':' + nconf.get('port') + nconf.get('PARSE_PATH'),