How to use the node-opcua-factory.getConstructor function in node-opcua-factory

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few node-opcua-factory examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-convert-nodeset-to-javascript / src / convert_nodeset_to_types.js View on Github external
const namespaceUri = addressSpace.getNamespaceUri(dataType.nodeId.namespace);

    // istanbul ignore next
    if (!dataType.binaryEncodingNodeId) {
        throw new Error(
            "DataType with name " +
                dataType.browseName.toString() +
                " has no binaryEncoding node\nplease check your nodeset file"

    // if binaryEncodingNodeId is in the standard factory => no need to overwrite

    if (!bForce && (hasConstructor(dataType.binaryEncodingNodeId) || dataType.binaryEncodingNodeId.namespace === 0)) {
        //xx console.log(chalk.bgYellow("Skipping standard constructor") ," for dataType" ,dataType.browseName.toString());
        return getConstructor(dataType.binaryEncodingNodeId);

    const schema = constructSchema(addressSpace, dataType);

    generateFileCode(namespaceUri, schema, schema_folder);

    generateStructureCode(namespaceUri, schema);

    const filename = getSchemaSourceFile(namespaceUri,, "");

    const relative_filename = normalize_require_file(__dirname, filename);

    const constructor = require(relative_filename)[];
    assert(_.isFunction(constructor), "expecting a constructor here");

    return constructor;
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / extension_object_array_node.js View on Github external
assert(dataType instanceof UADataType);

    const addressSpace = dataType.addressSpace;
    assert( === "AddressSpace");
    assert(addressSpace instanceof AddressSpace);

    // istanbul ignore next
    if (!dataType.binaryEncodingNodeId) {
        throw new Error("DataType with name " + dataType.browseName.toString() + " has no binaryEncoding node\nplease check your nodeset file");

    // if binaryEncodingNodeId is in the standard factory => no need to overwrite
    if (!bForce && (hasConstructor(dataType.binaryEncodingNodeId) ||   dataType.binaryEncodingNodeId.namespace === 0)) {
        //xx console.log("Skipping standard constructor".bgYellow ," for dataType" ,dataType.browseName.toString());
        return getConstructor(dataType.binaryEncodingNodeId);
    // etc ..... please fix me
    const namespaceUri = addressSpace.getNamespaceUri(dataType.nodeId.namespace);
    return buildConstructorFromDefinition(addressSpace,dataType);