How to use the monocle-ts.Lens.fromProp function in monocle-ts

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few monocle-ts examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github gcanti / elm-ts / examples / Http.tsx View on Github external
const decoder = flow(
  E.mapLeft(errors => failure(errors).join('\n'))

function getRandomGif(topic: string): cmd.Cmd {
  const url = `${topic}`

  return pipe(
    http.get(url, decoder),
    http.send(e => newGif(, a =>

// --- Update
const gifUrlLens = Lens.fromProp()('gifUrl')

export function update(msg: Msg, model: Model): [Model, cmd.Cmd] {
  switch (msg.type) {
    case 'MorePlease':
      return [gifUrlLens.set(O.none)(model), getRandomGif(model.topic)]

    case 'NewGif':
      return [gifUrlLens.set(O.some(msg.result))(model), cmd.none]
  throw new Error('err')

// --- View
export function view(model: Model): Html {
  return dispatch => (
github SamHH / bukubrow-webext / src / store / browser / types.ts View on Github external
import { Lens } from 'monocle-ts';

export interface BrowserState {
	pageTitle: string;
	pageUrl: string;

export const pageTitle = Lens.fromProp()('pageTitle');
export const pageUrl = Lens.fromProp()('pageUrl');

export enum BrowserActionTypes {
	SyncBrowser = 'SYNC_BROWSER',
github SamHH / bukubrow-webext / src / modules / settings.ts View on Github external

const badgeDisplayCodec = fromRefinement(
	(x): x is BadgeDisplay =&gt; &amp;&amp; isBadgeDisplayOpt(x),

const settingsCodec = t.type({
	theme: optionFromNullable(themeCodec),
	badgeDisplay: optionFromNullable(badgeDisplayCodec),

export type Settings = t.TypeOf;

const theme = Lens.fromProp()('theme');
const badgeDisplay = Lens.fromProp()('badgeDisplay');

export const saveSettings = (opts: Settings): TaskEither =&gt; setSyncStorage(opts);

const getSettings: TaskEither = pipe(
	getSyncStorage(['theme', 'badgeDisplay']),,

export const getActiveTheme: TaskEither&gt; = pipe(
github SamHH / bukubrow-webext / src / store / user / types.ts View on Github external
import { Lens } from 'monocle-ts';
import { Theme } from 'Modules/settings';
export { Theme };

export interface UserState {
	hasBinaryComms: boolean;
	activeTheme: Theme;
	displayOpenAllBookmarksConfirmation: boolean;
	page: Page;

export const hasBinaryComms = Lens.fromProp()('hasBinaryComms');
export const activeTheme = Lens.fromProp()('activeTheme');
export const displayOpenAllBookmarksConfirmation = Lens.fromProp()('displayOpenAllBookmarksConfirmation');
export const page = Lens.fromProp()('page');

export enum UserActionTypes {
	SetHasBinaryComms = 'SET_HAS_BINARY_COMMS',
	SetActiveTheme = 'SET_ACTIVE_THEME',
	SetDisplayOpenAllBookmarksConfirmation = 'SET_OPEN_ALL_BOOKMARKS_CONFIRMATION',
	SetPage = 'SET_PAGE',

export enum Page {
github SamHH / bukubrow-webext / src / modules / bookmarks.ts View on Github external

 * Bookmark as stored in LocalStorage.
export interface LocalBookmark extends LocalBookmarkUnsaved {
	id: number;

export interface LocalBookmarkWeighted extends LocalBookmark {
	weight: URLMatch;

export const id = Lens.fromProp()('id');
export const title = Lens.fromProp()('title');
export const weight = Lens.fromProp()('weight');

const ordTitle: Ord = contramap(title.get)(ordString);
const ordWeight: Ord = contramap(weight.get)(ordURLMatch)
export const ordLocalBookmarkWeighted = getSemigroup().concat(ordWeight, ordTitle);

 * Filter out bookmarks that do not perfectly match the provided test.
export const filterBookmarks = (bookmarks: Array, test: ParsedInputResult): Array =&gt;
	bookmarks.filter((bookmark) =&gt; {
		if (!includesCI( return false;
		if (test.desc.some(d =&gt; !includesCI(d)(bookmark.desc))) return false;
		if (test.url.some(u =&gt; !includesCI(u)(bookmark.url))) return false;
		if (test.tags.some(t =&gt; !bookmark.tags.some(tag =&gt; includesCI(t)(tag)))) return false;
github SamHH / bukubrow-webext / src / modules / staged-groups.ts View on Github external
import { Lens } from 'monocle-ts';
import { LocalBookmark } from 'Modules/bookmarks';

export interface StagedBookmarksGroup {
	id: number;
	time: number;
	bookmarks: Array;

export const id = Lens.fromProp()('id');
export const time = Lens.fromProp()('time');
export const bookmarks = Lens.fromProp()('bookmarks');
github contactlab / appy / src / request / lib / options.js View on Github external
.map(() => 
github musicglue / pg-ts / src / types.ts View on Github external

export interface TransactionOptions {
  readonly context: t.mixed;
  readonly deferrable: boolean;
  readonly isolation: TransactionIsolationLevel;
  readonly readOnly: boolean;

export type TypeParser = (val: string) =&gt; T;
export type TypeParsers = Record&gt;;

export const connectionLens = Lens.fromProp(
github contactlab / appy / src / request / lib / options.js View on Github external
.map(method => 
github contactlab / appy / src / api / lib / headers.js View on Github external
.map(headers => 