How to use minecraft-data - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few minecraft-data examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github PrismarineJS / node-minecraft-protocol / src / client / autoVersion.js View on Github external
// TODO: could also use ping pre-connect to save description, type, max players, etc.
    const motd = response.description
    debug('Server description:', motd) // TODO: save

    // Pass server-reported version to protocol handler
    // The version string is interpreted by
    const brandedMinecraftVersion = // 1.8.9, 1.7.10
    const protocolVersion = response.version.protocol//    47,      5
    const versions = [brandedMinecraftVersion]
      .concat(brandedMinecraftVersion.match(/((\d+\.)+\d+)/g) || [])
      .map(function (version) {
        return minecraftData.versionsByMinecraftVersion.pc[version]
      .filter(function (info) { return info })
      .sort(function (a, b) { return b.version - a.version })
      .concat(minecraftData.postNettyVersionsByProtocolVersion.pc[protocolVersion] || [])
    if (versions.length === 0) {
      client.emit('error', new Error(`unsupported/unknown protocol version: ${protocolVersion}, update minecraft-data`))
    const minecraftVersion = versions[0].minecraftVersion

    debug(`Server version: ${minecraftVersion}, protocol: ${protocolVersion}`)

    options.version = minecraftVersion
    options.protocolVersion = protocolVersion

    // Reinitialize client object with new version TODO: move out of its constructor?
    client.version = minecraftVersion
    client.state = states.HANDSHAKING

    // Let other plugins such as Forge/FML (modinfo) respond to the ping response
    if (client.autoVersionHooks) {
github PrismarineJS / flying-squid / src / lib / plugins / physics.js View on Github external
module.exports.entity = function (entity, serv, { version }) {
  const blocks = require('minecraft-data')(version).blocks

  entity.calculatePhysics = async (delta) => {
    if (entity.gravity) {
      addGravity(entity, 'x', delta)
      addGravity(entity, 'y', delta)
      addGravity(entity, 'z', delta)

    const vSign = getSign(entity.velocity)
    const sizeSigned = new Vec3(vSign.x * entity.size.x, vSign.y * entity.size.y, vSign.z * entity.size.z)

    const xVec = entity.position.offset(entity.velocity.x * delta + sizeSigned.x / 2, 0, 0)
    const yVec = entity.position.offset(0, entity.velocity.y * delta + sizeSigned.y / 2, 0)
    const zVec = entity.position.offset(0, 0, entity.velocity.z * delta + sizeSigned.z / 2)

    // Get block for each (x/y/z)Vec, check to avoid duplicate getBlockTypes
github deathcap / wsmc / mineflayer-stream.js View on Github external
module.exports = {
  //vec3: require('vec3'), // not really needed
  createBot: createBot,
  Block: require('mineflayer/lib/block'),
  Location: require('mineflayer/lib/location'),
  Biome: require('mineflayer/lib/biome'),
  Entity: require('mineflayer/lib/entity'),
  Painting: require('mineflayer/lib/painting'),
  Item: require('mineflayer/lib/item'),
  Recipe: require('mineflayer/lib/recipe'),
  windows: require('mineflayer/lib/windows'),
  Chest: require('mineflayer/lib/chest'),
  Furnace: require('mineflayer/lib/furnace'),
  Dispenser: require('mineflayer/lib/dispenser'),
  EnchantmentTable: require('mineflayer/lib/enchantment_table'),
  blocks: mcData.blocks,
  biomes: mcData.biomes,
  items: mcData.items,
  instruments: mcData.instruments,
  materials: mcData.materials,

function createBot(options) {
  options.username = options.username || 'Player';
  if (! throw new Error('createBot requires');

  var bot = new Bot();
  return bot;
github PrismarineJS / node-minecraft-protocol / src / client / autoVersion.js View on Github external
debug('ping response',response);
    // TODO: could also use ping pre-connect to save description, type, max players, etc.
    const motd = response.description;
    debug('Server description:',motd); // TODO: save

    // Pass server-reported version to protocol handler
    // The version string is interpereted by
    const minecraftVersion =;        // 1.8.9, 1.7.10
    const protocolVersion = response.version.protocol;//    47,      5

    debug(`Server version: ${minecraftVersion}, protocol: ${protocolVersion}`);
    // Note that versionName is a descriptive version stirng like '1.8.9' on vailla, but other
    // servers add their own name (Spigot 1.8.8, Glowstone++ 1.8.9) so we cannot use it directly,
    // even though it is in a format accepted by minecraft-data. Instead, translate the protocol.
    // TODO: pre-Netty version support (uses overlapping version numbers, so would have to check versionName)
    const versionInfos = minecraft_data.postNettyVersionsByProtocolVersion[protocolVersion];
    if (!versionInfos && versionInfos.length < 1) throw new Error(`unsupported/unknown protocol version: ${protocolVersion}, update minecraft-data`);
    const versionInfo = versionInfos[0]; // use newest
    options.version = versionInfo.minecraftVersion;
    options.protocolVersion = protocolVersion;

    // Reinitialize client object with new version TODO: move out of its constructor?
    client.version = versionInfo.majorVersion;
    client.state = states.HANDSHAKING;

    if (response.modinfo && response.modinfo.type === 'FML') {
      // Use the list of Forge mods from the server ping, so client will match server
      const forgeMods = response.modinfo.modList;
      debug('Using forgeMods:',forgeMods);
      options.forgeMods = forgeMods;
      forgeHandshake(client, options);
github deathcap / wsmc / mineflayer-stream.js View on Github external
//vec3: require('vec3'), // not really needed
  createBot: createBot,
  Block: require('mineflayer/lib/block'),
  Location: require('mineflayer/lib/location'),
  Biome: require('mineflayer/lib/biome'),
  Entity: require('mineflayer/lib/entity'),
  Painting: require('mineflayer/lib/painting'),
  Item: require('mineflayer/lib/item'),
  Recipe: require('mineflayer/lib/recipe'),
  windows: require('mineflayer/lib/windows'),
  Chest: require('mineflayer/lib/chest'),
  Furnace: require('mineflayer/lib/furnace'),
  Dispenser: require('mineflayer/lib/dispenser'),
  EnchantmentTable: require('mineflayer/lib/enchantment_table'),
  blocks: mcData.blocks,
  biomes: mcData.biomes,
  items: mcData.items,
  instruments: mcData.instruments,
  materials: mcData.materials,

function createBot(options) {
  options.username = options.username || 'Player';
  if (! throw new Error('createBot requires');

  var bot = new Bot();
  return bot;

function Bot() {
github PrismarineJS / flying-squid / src / lib / plugins / spawn.js View on Github external
module.exports.server = function (serv, options) {
  const version = options.version

  const mobsById = require('minecraft-data')(version).mobs
  const objectsById = require('minecraft-data')(version).objects

  serv.initEntity = (type, entityType, world, position) => {
    if (Object.keys(serv.entities).length > options['max-entities']) { throw new Error('Too many mobs !') }
    const entity = new Entity(serv.entityMaxId)

      .filter(pluginName => plugins[pluginName].entity !== undefined)
      .forEach(pluginName => plugins[pluginName].entity(entity, serv, options))

    entity.initEntity(type, entityType, world, position)

    serv.emit('newEntity', entity)

    return entity
github PrismarineJS / flying-squid / src / lib / plugins / spawn.js View on Github external
module.exports.server = function (serv, options) {
  const version = options.version

  const mobsById = require('minecraft-data')(version).mobs
  const objectsById = require('minecraft-data')(version).objects

  serv.initEntity = (type, entityType, world, position) => {
    if (Object.keys(serv.entities).length > options['max-entities']) { throw new Error('Too many mobs !') }
    const entity = new Entity(serv.entityMaxId)

      .filter(pluginName => plugins[pluginName].entity !== undefined)
      .forEach(pluginName => plugins[pluginName].entity(entity, serv, options))

    entity.initEntity(type, entityType, world, position)

    serv.emit('newEntity', entity)

    return entity
github 1b8 / schematic / lib / block-entity.js View on Github external
module.exports = function (version) {
  var Block = require('./block')(version);
  var Item = require('prismarine-item')(version);
  var itemsByName = require('minecraft-data')(version).itemsByName;

  function container(self, raw) {
    if (raw.CustomName) self.customName = raw.CustomName.value;
    self.lockKey = raw.Lock.value;
    self.items = [];
    raw.Items.value.value.forEach(function (item) {
      var data = itemsByName[':')[1]];
      self.items.push(new Item(data ? : 1,
        item.Count.value, item.Damage.value, item.tag ? item.tag.value : {}));

  function BlockEntity(schem, raw) {
    Block.apply(this, schem._blockArgs(vec3(raw.x.value, raw.y.value, raw.z.value)));
    this.raw = raw;
github PrismarineJS / mineflayer / index.js View on Github external
function next () {
      const version = require('minecraft-data')(self._client.version).version
      if (supportedVersions.indexOf(version.majorVersion) === -1) {
        throw new Error(`Version ${version.minecraftVersion} is not supported.`)
      self.protocolVersion = version.version
      self.majorVersion = version.majorVersion
      self.version = version.minecraftVersion
      options.version = version.minecraftVersion
github PrismarineJS / flying-squid / src / lib / worldGenerations / all_the_blocks.js View on Github external
function generation ({ version }) {
  const Chunk = require('prismarine-chunk')(version)
  const blocks = require('minecraft-data')(version).blocks

  function generateSimpleChunk () {
    const chunk = new Chunk()

    let i = 2
    for (let x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
      for (let z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
        let y
        for (y = 47; y <= 50; y++) {
          chunk.setBlockType(new Vec3(x, y, z), i)
          i = (i + 1) % Object.keys(blocks).length
        for (y = 0; y < 256; y++) {
          chunk.setSkyLight(new Vec3(x, y, z), 15)