How to use the just-scripts-utils.findMonoRepoRootPath function in just-scripts-utils

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github microsoft / just / packages / just-scripts / src / tasks / upgradeRepoTask.ts View on Github external
return async function upgradeRepo() {
    const rootPath = findMonoRepoRootPath();

    if (!rootPath) {
      logger.error('Could not find monorepo root path. Not upgrading anything.');

    const resolveStacks = getResolvedStackVersions(path.join(rootPath, 'scripts'));
    const stackDiffs = await getStackDiffs(rootPath, resolveStacks);

    if (stackDiffs) {
      let didUpgradeProjects = false;

      // For each package, look for stacks that match, and apply upgrade for the project
      const rushConfig = readRushJson(rootPath);
      if (!rushConfig) {
        logger.error(`Could not read rush.json under ${rootPath}. Not upgrading anything.`);
github microsoft / just / packages / just-scripts / src / tasks / addPackageTask.ts View on Github external
return async function addPackage() {
    const args = argv();
    const rootPath = findMonoRepoRootPath();

    const name = ||
      (await prompts({
        type: 'text',
        name: 'name',
        message: 'What is the name of the package?'
      })).name;`Creating a package called: ${name}`);

    if (!rootPath) {
      logger.warn('Cannot determine the root path to the mono repo');
github microsoft / just / packages / just-scripts / src / tasks / addPackageTask.ts View on Github external
return async function addPackage() {
    const args = argv();
    const rootPath = findMonoRepoRootPath();

    const name = ||
      (await prompts({
        type: 'text',
        name: 'name',
        message: 'What is the name of the package?'
      })).name;`Creating a package called: ${name}`);

    if (!rootPath) {
      logger.warn('Cannot determine the root path to the mono repo');