How to use inline-style-prefixer - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few inline-style-prefixer examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github styled-components / vue-styled-components / src / utils / autoprefix.js View on Github external
root.walkDecls((decl) => {
    /* No point even checking custom props */
    if (/^--/.test(decl.prop)) return

    const objStyle = { [camelizeStyleName(decl.prop)]: decl.value }
    const prefixed = prefixAll(objStyle)
    Object.keys(prefixed).reverse().forEach(newProp => {
      const newVals = prefixed[newProp]
      const newValArray = Array.isArray(newVals) ? newVals : [newVals]
      newValArray.forEach((newVal) => {
          prop: hyphenateStyleName(newProp),
          value: newVal
github styled-components / styled-components / src / utils / autoprefix.js View on Github external
root.walkDecls(decl => {
    /* No point even checking custom props */
    if (/^--/.test(decl.prop)) return

    const objStyle = { [camelizeStyleName(decl.prop)]: decl.value }
    const prefixed = prefixAll(objStyle)
    Object.keys(prefixed).forEach(newProp => {
      const newVals = prefixed[newProp]
      const newValArray = Array.isArray(newVals) ? newVals : [newVals]
      newValArray.forEach(newVal => {
          prop: hyphenateStyleName(newProp),
          value: newVal,
github DitchCrab / ReactiveForum / modules / forum / client / components / main.jsx View on Github external
import { Component, PropTypes} from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
// Components import
import LeftWrapper from './left/left_wrapper';
import ThreadUsers from './right/thread_users';
import FeaturedUsers from './right/featured_users';
import Layout from '../styles/layout';
import { FlatButton, LeftNav, Snackbar, Styles } from 'material-ui';
import ComponentStyle from 'forum/client/styles/main';
import Prefixer from 'inline-style-prefixer';
const prefixer = new Prefixer();
// Helpers
import moment from 'moment';
// Collections
import Categories from '../../collections/categories';
import Threads from '../../collections/threads';
// Redux actions
import {
github DitchCrab / ReactiveForum / modules / forum / client / components / center / thread / thread_carousel.jsx View on Github external
import { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import ReactMixin from 'react-mixin';
// Components
import Swipeable from 'react-swipeable';
import { GridTile, IconButton, GridList, Styles } from 'material-ui';
import { ToggleStarBorder, HardwareKeyboardArrowLeft, HardwareKeyboardArrowRight } from 'material-ui/lib/svg-icons';
import OnClickOutside from 'react-onclickoutside';
import ComponentStyle from 'forum/client/styles/center/thread/thread_carousel';
const { Colors } = Styles;
import Prefixer from 'inline-style-prefixer';
const prefixer = new Prefixer();
// Helpers
import { toolbarWidth, checkMobileDevice } from 'forum/client/utils/helpers';

* ThreadCarousel component
* Use to navigate to previous thread 
* Support swipe in mobile devices
export default class ThreadCarousel extends Component {

  static propTypes = {
    viewedThreads: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),
    viewThread: PropTypes.func,
    onClickOutside: PropTypes.func,
    windowSize: PropTypes.string
github alexkuz / react-input-enhancements / src / createStyling.js View on Github external
import { createStyling } from 'react-base16-styling';
import defaultTheme from './themes/default';
import Prefixer from 'inline-style-prefixer';

let prefixerInstance;
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator) {
  prefixerInstance = new Prefixer(window.navigator);
} else {
  prefixerInstance = new Prefixer({
      'Node.js (darwin; U; rv:v4.3.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)'
const prefixer = prefixerInstance.prefix.bind(prefixerInstance);

const navButtonImg = type =>
    /* eslint-disable max-len */
    /* eslint-enable max-len */
github DitchCrab / ReactiveForum / modules / forum / client / components / center / thread / reply.jsx View on Github external
import { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
// Components
import { TextField, FlatButton, Avatar, Styles } from 'material-ui';
import ComponentStyle from 'forum/client/styles/center/thread/reply';
const { Colors } = Styles;
import Prefixer from 'inline-style-prefixer';
const prefixer = new Prefixer();
// Helpers
import moment from 'moment';

* Reply component
* Responsible for view and edit reply
export default class Reply extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    currentUser: PropTypes.object, // user signed in object
    reply: PropTypes.object,
    // Callbacks for server methods
    onLikeReply: PropTypes.func,
    newReplyId: PropTypes.string,
    updateReply: PropTypes.func,
    openSnackbar: PropTypes.func
github robinweser / react-look / packages / react-look / modules / utils / prefixer.js View on Github external
export default userAgent => {
  if (!prefixer) {
    prefixer = new Prefixer({ userAgent: userAgent })
  // replace userAgent if config provides alternative one
  if (prefixer._userAgent !== userAgent && userAgent !== undefined) {
    prefixer = new Prefixer({ userAgent: userAgent })

  return prefixer
github alexkuz / react-input-enhancements / src / createStyling.js View on Github external
import { createStyling } from 'react-base16-styling';
import defaultTheme from './themes/default';
import Prefixer from 'inline-style-prefixer';

let prefixerInstance;
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator) {
  prefixerInstance = new Prefixer(window.navigator);
} else {
  prefixerInstance = new Prefixer({
      'Node.js (darwin; U; rv:v4.3.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)'
const prefixer = prefixerInstance.prefix.bind(prefixerInstance);

const navButtonImg = type =>
    /* eslint-disable max-len */
    /* eslint-enable max-len */
github bentatum / better-react-spinkit / src / util / animate.js View on Github external
if (name) {
    /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */

    *  don't apply defaults unless we have a name declaration
    *  otherwise, assume we're using this to override properties

    duration = duration || '1.2s'
    iterationCount = iterationCount || 'infinite'
    timingFunction = timingFunction || 'ease-in-out'

    /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */

  return prefix(omitBy({
    animationDelay: delay,
    animationDuration: duration,
    animationFillMode: fillMode,
    animationIterationCount: iterationCount,
    animationTimingFunction: timingFunction,
    animationName: name
  }, (val) => !val))
github styletron / styletron / packages / styletron-engine-atomic / src / inject-style-prefixed.js View on Github external

      const propValPair = `${hyphenate(
      )}:${((originalVal: any): string)}`;
      const key = `${pseudo}${propValPair}`;
      const cachedId = cache.cache[key];
      if (cachedId !== void 0) {
        // cache hit
        classString += " " + cachedId;
      } else {
        // cache miss
        let block = "";
        const prefixed = prefixAll({[originalKey]: originalVal});
        for (const prefixedKey in prefixed) {
          const prefixedVal = prefixed[prefixedKey];
          const prefixedValType = typeof prefixedVal;
          if (prefixedValType === "string" || prefixedValType === "number") {
            const prefixedPair = `${hyphenate(prefixedKey)}:${prefixedVal}`;
            if (prefixedPair !== propValPair) {
              block += `${prefixedPair};`;
          } else if (Array.isArray(prefixedVal)) {
            const hyphenated = hyphenate(prefixedKey);
            for (let i = 0; i < prefixedVal.length; i++) {
              const prefixedPair = `${hyphenated}:${prefixedVal[i]}`;
              if (prefixedPair !== propValPair) {
                block += `${prefixedPair};`;