How to use the http-status.CONFLICT function in http-status

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few http-status examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Christilut / node-modern-boilerplate / server / helpers / auth.ts View on Github external
export async function createUser(args: ICreateUserArgs): Promise> {
  validate(args, createUserValidation)

  const existingUser: User = await UserModel.findByEmail(

  // If user is not unique, return error
  if (existingUser) {
    throw new APIError('Email address is already in use', httpStatus.CONFLICT)

  // If email is unique, create account
  let user = new UserModel({

  user = await

  // User has no password yet and must set one in the verification link, sent in the pre-save

  return user
github WaftTech / WaftEngine / server / modules / menu / menucontroller.js View on Github external
menu.updated_at = new Date();

      const update = await menusch.findByIdAndUpdate(
          $set: menu,
        { new: true },

      return otherHelper.sendResponse(res, httpStatus.OK, true, update, null,, null);
    } else {
      const checkIf = await menusch.findOne({ key: menu.key, is_deleted: false });
      if (checkIf) {
        const error = { key: 'Key already exists!!' };
        return otherHelper.sendResponse(res, httpStatus.CONFLICT, false, null, error, null, null);
      menu.added_by =;
      menu.added_at = new Date();
      const newMenu = new menusch(menu);
      const MenuSave = await;

      // const data = await menuControl(req, res, next);
      return otherHelper.sendResponse(res, httpStatus.OK, true, MenuSave, null,, null);
  } catch (err) {
github WaftTech / WaftEngine / server / modules / user / userController.js View on Github external
userController.RegisterFromAdmin = async (req, res, next) => {
  try {
    const user = await users.findOne({ email:, is_deleted: false });
    if (user) { = 'Email already exists';
      const data = { email: };
      return otherHelper.sendResponse(res, httpStatus.CONFLICT, false, data, errors,, null);
    } else {
      if (req.file) {
        req.file.destination =
            .split('server/')[1] + '/';
        req.file.path = req.file.path
        req.body.image = req.file;
      const { name, email, password, date_of_birth, bio, location, phone, description, is_active, email_verified, roles, image, company_name, company_location, company_established, company_phone_no } = req.body;
      const avatar = gravatar.url(email, { s: '200', r: 'pg', d: 'mm' });
      const newUser = new User({ name, email, avatar, password, date_of_birth, bio, description, email_verified, is_active, roles, image, location, phone, company_name, company_location, company_established, company_phone_no });
github ridhamtarpara / express-es8-rest-boilerplate / src / api / services / user / user.model.js View on Github external
checkDuplicateEmail(error) {
    if (error.code === 11000 && ( === 'BulkWriteError' || === 'MongoError')) {
      return new APIError({
        message: 'Validation Error',
        errors: [{
          field: 'email',
          location: 'body',
          messages: ['"email" already exists'],
        status: httpStatus.CONFLICT,
        isPublic: true,
        stack: error.stack,
    return error;
github restberry / restberry / lib / errors.js View on Github external
var _conflict = function(req, err) {
    var statusCode = httpStatus.CONFLICT;
    var title = 'Conflict';
    var message = 'There already exists a \'' + _getMessageProperty(err) +
                  '\' object with these properties.';
    var devMessage = '';
    return _error(req, err, statusCode, title, message, devMessage);
github IBM / taxinomitis / src / lib / restapi / users.ts View on Github external
const numUsersInTenant = await auth0.countUsers(tenant);
    const tenantPolicy = await store.getClassTenant(tenant);

    if (numUsersInTenant >= tenantPolicy.maxUsers) {
        return res.status(httpstatus.CONFLICT)
                  .json({ error : 'Class already has maximum allowed number of students' });

    try {
        const newstudent = await auth0.createStudent(tenant, req.body.username);
        return res.status(httpstatus.CREATED)
    catch (err) {
        if (userAlreadyExists(err)) {
            return res.status(httpstatus.CONFLICT).json({ error : 'There is already a student with that username' });

        log.error({ err }, 'Failed to create student account');

        let statusCode = httpstatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
        let errObj = { error : 'Failed to create new account' };

        if (err.response && err.response.body && err.response.body.statusCode) {
            statusCode = err.response.body.statusCode;
        if (err.error) {
            errObj = err.error;

        return res.status(statusCode).json(errObj);
github IBM / taxinomitis / src / lib / restapi / users.ts View on Github external
function userAlreadyExists(err: any) {
    return err && err.response && err.response.body &&
               (err.response.body.statusCode === httpstatus.CONFLICT &&
                err.response.body.message === 'The user already exists.')
               (err.response.body.statusCode === httpstatus.BAD_REQUEST &&
                err.response.body.message === 'The username provided is in use already.')
function passwordRejected(err: any) {
github Vitormdias / Node-Starter / api / middlewares / error.js View on Github external
exports.mongoErrorHandler = (error) => {
    if (( === 'BulkWriteError' || === 'MongoError') && error.code === 11000) {
        return new APIError({
            message: 'Unique field validation Error',
            status: httpStatus.CONFLICT

    if ( === 'ValidationError') {
        return new APIError({
            message: 'Required field not provided',
            status: httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

    if ( === 'CastError') {
        return new APIError({
          message: 'Invalid data sent',
          status: httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST
github mmucito / ewallet-rest-api / src / api / models / customer.model.js View on Github external
checkDuplicateEmail(error) {
    if ( === 'MongoError' && error.code === 11000) {
      return new APIError({
        message: 'Validation Error',
        errors: [{
          field: 'email',
          location: 'body',
          messages: ['"email" already exists'],
        status: httpStatus.CONFLICT,
        isPublic: true,
        stack: error.stack,
    return error;
github WaftTech / WaftEngine / server / modules / registration / registrationValidation.js View on Github external
registrationValidation.duplicateValidation = async (req, res, next) => {
  const filter = { RegistrationNo: req.body.RegistrationNo };
  if (req.body._id) {
    filter._id = { $ne: req.body._id };
  let dstatus = await registrationModel.findOne(filter);
  if (dstatus != null) {
    let errors = { RegistrationNo: registrationConfig.validationMessage.registrationNoexists };
    return otherHelper.sendResponse(res, HttpStatus.CONFLICT, false, null, errors, 'Validation Error.', null);
  } else {
    return next();