How to use fabric-common - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fabric-common examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / integration / discovery.js View on Github external
 * Copyright 2018 IBM All Rights Reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'use strict';

const {Utils:utils} = require('fabric-common');
const logger = utils.getLogger('DISCOVERY');

const tape = require('tape');
const _test = require('tape-promise').default;
const test = _test(tape);

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const testUtil = require('./util.js');

test('\n\n***** D I S C O V E R Y  *****\n\n', async (t) => {

	// this will use the connection profile to set up the client
	const client_org1 = await testUtil.getClientForOrg(t, 'org1');
	const client_org2 = await testUtil.getClientForOrg(t, 'org2');
	let channel_org1 = null;
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / integration / nodechaincode / install-chaincode.js View on Github external
 * Copyright 2017 IBM All Rights Reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// This is an end-to-end test that focuses on exercising all parts of the fabric APIs
// in a happy-path scenario
'use strict';

const {Utils:utils} = require('fabric-common');
const logger = utils.getLogger('E2E install-chaincode');

const tape = require('tape');
const _test = require('tape-promise').default;
const test = _test(tape);

const e2eUtils = require('../e2e/e2eUtils.js');
const testUtil = require('../../unit/util.js');
const version = 'v0';

test('\n\n***** Node-Chaincode End-to-end flow: chaincode install *****\n\n', (t) => {
	e2eUtils.installChaincode('org1', testUtil.NODE_CHAINCODE_PATH, testUtil.METADATA_PATH, version, 'node', t, true)
		.then(() => {
			t.pass('Successfully installed chaincode in peers of organization "org1"');
			return e2eUtils.installChaincode('org2', testUtil.NODE_CHAINCODE_PATH, testUtil.METADATA_PATH, version, 'node', t, true);
		}, (err) => {'Failed to install chaincode in peers of organization "org1". ' + err.stack ? err.stack : err);
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / integration / get-config.js View on Github external
 * Copyright 2016 IBM All Rights Reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// This is an end-to-end test that focuses on exercising all parts of the fabric APIs
// in a happy-path scenario
'use strict';

const {Utils: utils} = require('fabric-common');
const logger = utils.getLogger('get-config');

const tape = require('tape');
const _test = require('tape-promise').default;
const test = _test(tape);

const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const e2eUtils = require('./e2e/e2eUtils.js');

const Client = require('fabric-client');
const testUtil = require('./util.js');
const Peer = require('fabric-client/lib/Peer.js');
const Orderer = require('fabric-client/lib/Orderer.js');

const client = new Client();
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / integration / only-admin.js View on Github external
 * Copyright 2018 IBM All Rights Reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'use strict';

const {Utils:utils} = require('fabric-common');
const logger = utils.getLogger('ONLY-ADMIN');

const tape = require('tape');
const _test = require('tape-promise').default;
const test = _test(tape);

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const testUtil = require('./util.js');

// Testing will demostrate how the connetion profile configuration may hold a
// admin user identity and it will be used for all fabric interactions.
// However since the network is using mutual TLS, the TLS connection will get
// valid certificates from the CertificateAuthority as a testing convenience.
// The CertificateAuthority will not be used to get the required signing certificates
// for the fabric requests.
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / integration / query.js View on Github external
* Copyright 2017 IBM All Rights Reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// This is an end to end test that focuses on exercising all parts of the fabric APIs
// in a happy-path scenario

// IMPORTANT ------>>>>> MUST RUN e2e.js FIRST
// AND set environment variables indicated in the comments
// at the end of the invoke-transaction run.

'use strict';

const {Utils:utils} = require('fabric-common');
const logger = utils.getLogger('query');

const tape = require('tape');
const _test = require('tape-promise').default;
const test = _test(tape);

const path = require('path');
const util = require('util');
const e2eUtils = require('./e2e/e2eUtils.js');
const fs = require('fs');

const testUtil = require('./util.js');
const Client = require('fabric-client');
const Peer = require('fabric-client/lib/Peer.js');
const Orderer = require('fabric-client/lib/Orderer.js');
const BlockDecoder = require('fabric-client/lib/BlockDecoder.js');
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / unit / crypto-key-store.js View on Github external
test('\n\n** CryptoKeyStore tests - newCryptoKeyStore tests **\n\n', (t) => {
	utils.setConfigSetting('key-value-store', 'fabric-common/lib/impl/FileKeyValueStore.js');// force for 'gulp test'
	const keyValStorePath = 'tmp/keyValStore1';
	const config = {path: keyValStorePath};
	let cs = utils.newCryptoKeyStore(config);
	t.equal(cs._storeConfig.opts, config, util.format('Returned instance should have store config opts of %j', config));
	t.equal(typeof cs._storeConfig.superClass, 'function', 'Returned instance should have store config superClass');

	const defaultKVSPath = path.join(os.homedir(), '.hfc-key-store');
	cs = utils.newCryptoKeyStore();
	t.equal(cs._storeConfig.opts.path, defaultKVSPath, util.format('Returned instance should have store config opts.path of %s', defaultKVSPath));
	t.equal(typeof cs._storeConfig.superClass, 'function', 'Returned instance should have store config superClass');

	let kvsImplClass = require(utils.getConfigSetting('key-value-store'));
	cs = utils.newCryptoKeyStore(kvsImplClass);
	t.equal(cs._storeConfig.opts.path, defaultKVSPath, util.format('Returned instance should have store config opts.path of %s', defaultKVSPath));
	t.equal(typeof cs._storeConfig.superClass, 'function', 'Returned instance should have store config superClass');
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / integration / fileKeyValueStore-fabricca-tests.js View on Github external
test('Use FabricCAServices with a File KeyValueStore', (t) => {
	Client.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, 'e2e', 'config.json'));
	ORGS = Client.getConfigSetting('test-network');
	const fabricCAEndpoint = ORGS[userOrg].ca.url;

	// Set the relevant configuration values
	utils.setConfigSetting('crypto-keysize', 256);
	utils.setConfigSetting('key-value-store', 'fabric-common/lib/impl/FileKeyValueStore.js');

	// var keyValueStore = Client.getConfigSetting('key-value-store');
	const keyValStorePath = path.join(testUtil.getTempDir(), 'customKeyValStorePath');

	const client = new Client();
	let cryptoSuite, member;

	// clean up
	if (testUtil.existsSync(keyValStorePath)) {

	const	tlsOptions = {
		trustedRoots: [],
		verify: false
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / integration / orderer-channel-tests.js View on Github external
test('\n\n** TEST ** orderer via member missing orderer', async (t) => {
	utils.setConfigSetting('key-value-store', 'fabric-common/lib/impl/FileKeyValueStore.js');// force for npm test
	Client.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, 'e2e', 'config.json'));
	ORGS = Client.getConfigSetting('test-network');
	const orgName = ORGS[org].name;

	// Create and configure the test channel
	const channel = client.newChannel('testchannel-orderer-member2');
	const cryptoSuite = Client.newCryptoSuite();
	cryptoSuite.setCryptoKeyStore(Client.newCryptoKeyStore({path: testUtil.storePathForOrg(orgName)}));

	const store = await Client.newDefaultKeyValueStore({
		path: testUtil.KVS
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / unit / crypto-key-store.js View on Github external
test('\n\n** CryptoKeyStore tests - couchdb based store tests - use configSetting **\n\n', (t) => {
	utils.setConfigSetting('key-value-store', 'fabric-common/lib/impl/CouchDBKeyValueStore.js');

	const couchdb = CouchdbMock.createServer();

	// override t.end function so it'll always disconnect the event hub
	t.end = ((context, mockdb, f) => {
		return function() {
			if (mockdb) {
				t.comment('Disconnecting the mock couchdb server');

			f.apply(context, arguments);
	})(t, couchdb, t.end);
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / integration / client.js View on Github external
test('\n\n ** createUser happy path - file store **\n\n', (t) => {
	Client.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, '../fixtures/profiles/caimport.json'));
	caImport = utils.getConfigSetting('ca-import', 'notfound');

	utils.setConfigSetting('key-value-store', 'fabric-common/lib/impl/FileKeyValueStore.js');
	utils.setConfigSetting('crypto-keysize', 256);
	const userOrg = 'org1';

	const prvKey =  path.join(__dirname, caImport.orgs[userOrg].cryptoContent.privateKey);
	const sgnCert =  path.join(__dirname, caImport.orgs[userOrg].cryptoContent.signedCert);

	const keyStoreOpts = {path: path.join(testUtil.getTempDir(), caImport.orgs[userOrg].storePath)};
	const client = new Client();
	const cryptoSuite = Client.newCryptoSuite();

	logger.debug('try to cleanup kvs Path: ' + keyStoreOpts.path);
	// clean up
	if (testUtil.existsSync(keyStoreOpts.path)) {