How to use the fabric-client.setConfigSetting function in fabric-client

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fabric-client examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hyperledger / fabric-test / tools / PTE / pte-execRequest.js View on Github external
function getMoveRequest() {
    // Get the invoke arguments from the appropriate payload generation files

    // Set the approprate signing identity for this function based on access policy
    // If the function has no access control, we can use any signing identity
    var orgsForAccess = ccFunctionAccessPolicy[ccDfnPtr.invoke.move.fcn];
    if (orgsForAccess && Array.isArray(orgsForAccess) && orgsForAccess.length > 0 && orgAdmins[orgsForAccess[0]]) {
        client.setUserContext(orgAdmins[orgsForAccess[0]], false);		// Just pick the first organization that satisfies the policy

    tx_id = client.newTransactionID();
    hfc.setConfigSetting('E2E_TX_ID', tx_id.getTransactionID());
    //'[Nid:chan:org:id=%d:%s:%s:%d getMoveRequest] tx id= %s', Nid, channelName, org, pid, tx_id.getTransactionID().toString());

    request_invoke = {
        chaincodeId : chaincode_id,
        fcn: ccDfnPtr.invoke.move.fcn,
        args: ccFuncInst.testInvokeArgs,
        txId: tx_id

    if ( (transMode == 'MIX') && (mixQuery) ) {'[Nid:chan:org:id=%d:%s:%s:%d getMoveRequest] request_invoke: %j', Nid, channel.getName(), org, pid, request_invoke);
    } else if ( (inv_m == nRequest) && (nRequest>0) ) {
        if (invokeCheck) {
  '[Nid:chan:org:id=%d:%s:%s:%d getMoveRequest] request_invoke: %j', Nid, channel.getName(), org, pid, request_invoke);
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / integration / events.js View on Github external
// now do one that works
				pem: Buffer.from(tls_data).toString(),
				'clientCert': tlsInfo.certificate,
				'clientKey': tlsInfo.key,
				'ssl-target-name-override': ORGS[org].peer1['server-hostname']

		request = eputil.createRequest(client, chaincode_id, targets, '', '');
		request.chaincodePath = '';
		request.chaincodeVersion = chaincode_version;
		Client.setConfigSetting('request-timeout', 60000);

		return client.installChaincode(request);
	}).then((results) => {
		if ( eputil.checkProposal(results)) {
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / ts-scenario / steps / lib / chaincode.ts View on Github external
// conditionally add metadata path
	if (fs.existsSync(metadataPath)) {
		request.metadataPath = metadataPath;

	// Package
	BaseUtils.logMsg(`About to package ${contractType} smart contract named ${contractName}`);
	try {
		await chaincode.package(request);
		BaseUtils.logMsg(`Successfully packaged ${contractType} smart contract named ${contractName}`);
	} catch (error) {
		BaseUtils.logAndThrow('Package Error :: ' + error);

	// save it for later use
	Client.setConfigSetting(contractSaveName, {value: chaincode});
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / unit / headless-tests.js View on Github external
fs.writeFileSync(logPath, '');
			} else {'Can not create an empty file to prepare for the rest of this test. ' + err.stack ? err.stack : err);

	let debugPath = '/tmp/hfc-log/debug.log';
	let errorPath = '/tmp/hfc-log/error.log';

	hfc.setConfigSetting('hfc-logging', util.format('{"debug": "%s", "error": "%s"}', debugPath, errorPath));
	// internal call. clearing the cached logger.
	global.hfc.logger = undefined;
	var log1 = utils.getLogger('testlogger');
	log1.error('Test logger - error');
	log1.warn('Test logger - warn');'Test logger - info');
	log1.debug('Test logger - debug');

	setTimeout(function () {
		var data = fs.readFileSync(debugPath);

		if (data.indexOf('Test logger - error') > 0 &&
			data.indexOf('Test logger - warn') > 0 &&
			data.indexOf('Test logger - info') > 0 &&
			data.indexOf('Test logger - debug') > 0) {
			t.pass('Successfully tested logging to debug file');
github hyperledger-labs / blockchain-integration-framework / packages / core / examples / simple-asset-transfer / fabric / api / config.js View on Github external
var util = require('util');
var path = require('path');
var hfc = require('fabric-client');

var file = 'network-config%s.yaml';

var env = process.env.TARGET_NETWORK;
if (env)
	file = util.format(file, '-' + env);
	file = util.format(file, '');
// indicate to the application where the setup file is located so it able
// to have the hfc load it to initalize the fabric client instance
hfc.setConfigSetting('network-connection-profile-path',path.join(__dirname, '../artifacts', file));
hfc.setConfigSetting('Org1-connection-profile-path',path.join(__dirname, '../artifacts', 'org1.yaml'));
hfc.setConfigSetting('Org2-connection-profile-path',path.join(__dirname, '../artifacts', 'org2.yaml'));
// some other settings the application might need to know
hfc.addConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, 'config.json'));
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / unit / cryptosuite-pkcs11.js View on Github external
() => {
			new PKCS11(256, 'sha2');
		/PKCS11 PIN must be set/,
		'Checking: PKCS11 slot must be set to a number'
	Client.setConfigSetting('crypto-pkcs11-pin', 'PIN');
	testing = 'Checking: for valid PIN in config';
	try {
		new PKCS11(256, 'sha2');;
	} catch (error) {
		checkError(error, testing);

	Client.setConfigSetting('crypto-pkcs11-usertype', 'not');
		() => {
			new PKCS11(256, 'sha2');
		/usertype number invalid/,
		'Checking: for valid usertype'
	Client.setConfigSetting('crypto-pkcs11-usertype', 1.2);
		() => {
			new PKCS11(256, 'sha2');
		/usertype number invalid/,
		'Checking: for valid usertype'
	Client.setConfigSetting('crypto-pkcs11-usertype', 2);
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / unit / cryptosuite-pkcs11.js View on Github external
testing = 'Checking: for valid readwrite in config';
	try {
		new PKCS11(256, 'sha2');;
	} catch (error) {
		checkError(error, testing);
	Client.setConfigSetting('crypto-pkcs11-readwrite', 'True');
	testing = 'Checking: for valid readwrite in config';
	try {
		new PKCS11(256, 'sha2');;
	} catch (error) {
		checkError(error, testing);
	Client.setConfigSetting('crypto-pkcs11-readwrite', false);
	testing = 'Checking: for valid readwrite in config';
	try {
		new PKCS11(256, 'sha2');;
	} catch (error) {
		checkError(error, testing);
	Client.setConfigSetting('crypto-pkcs11-readwrite', true);
	testing = 'Checking: for valid readwrite in config';
	try {
		new PKCS11(256, 'sha2');;
	} catch (error) {
		checkError(error, testing);
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / test / unit / headless-tests.js View on Github external
function resetDefaults() {
	var defaultSettings = require('fabric-client/config/default.json');
	for (var setting in defaultSettings) {
		hfc.setConfigSetting(setting, defaultSettings[setting]);