How to use the carbon-components-react/lib/components/DataTable/state/sorting.sortStates.ASC function in carbon-components-react

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github IBM / carbon-addons-iot-react / src / utils / componentUtilityFunctions.js View on Github external
case 'carbon.table.batch.items.selected':
      return `${state.totalSelected} ${itemsSelected}`;
    case 'carbon.table.batch.item.selected':
      return `${state.totalSelected} ${itemSelected}`;
    case '':
      return i18n.searchLabel;
    case '':
      return i18n.searchPlaceholder;
    case 'carbon.table.header.icon.description':
      if (state.isSortHeader) {
        // When transitioning, we know that the sequence of states is as follows:
        // NONE -> ASC -> DESC -> NONE
        if (state.sortDirection === sortStates.NONE) {
          return i18n.filterAscending;
        if (state.sortDirection === sortStates.ASC) {
          return i18n.filterDescending;

        return i18n.filterNone;
      return i18n.filterAscending;
      return '';