How to use the bpmn-js/lib/util/LabelUtil.isLabelExternal function in bpmn-js

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github bptlab / chor-js / lib / import / visitors / InitialRenderVisitor.js View on Github external
// insert sequence flows behind other flow nodes (cf. #727)
      let parentIndex;
      if (is(semantic, 'bpmn:SequenceFlow')) {
        parentIndex = 0;

      this._canvas.addConnection(element, parentShape, parentIndex);

    } else {
      throw new Error(this._translate('unknown di {di} for element {semantic}', {
        di: elementToString(di),
        semantic: elementToString(semantic)
    // (optional) external LABEL
    if (isLabelExternal(semantic) && {
      this._addLabel(semantic, element);
  } else {
    if (isMessageFlow) {
       * Messages are attached to a participant band. They are separate shapes
       * but move with the band. They do not have an underlying DI element.
       * If no message is attached to the message flow, we first have to create one.
      const choreo = this._canvas.getRootElement().businessObject;
      const definitions = choreo.$parent;
      let message = semantic.messageRef;
      if (!message) {
        message = this._moddle.create('bpmn:Message'); = this._moddle.ids.nextPrefixed('Message_', message);
github WPS / domain-story-modeler / app / domain-story-modeler / features / labeling / DSLabelEditingProvider.js View on Github external
width: width,
      height: bbox.height + paddingTop + paddingBottom,
      x: mid.x - width / 2,
      y: bbox.y - paddingTop

    assign(style, {
      fontSize: externalFontSize + 'px',
      lineHeight: externalLineHeight,
      paddingTop: paddingTop + 'px',
      paddingBottom: paddingBottom + 'px'

  // external label not yet created
  if (isLabelExternal(target)
    && !hasExternalLabel(target)
    && !isLabel(target)) {

    let externalLabelMid = getExternalLabelMid(element);

    let absoluteBBox = canvas.getAbsoluteBBox({
      x: externalLabelMid.x,
      y: externalLabelMid.y,
      width: 0,
      height: 0

    let height = externalFontSize + paddingTop + paddingBottom;

    assign(bounds, {
      width: width,
github bptlab / chor-js / lib / import / visitors / RestoreFromCacheVisitor.js View on Github external
RestoreFromCacheVisitor.prototype.visit = function(element, parentShape) {
  const shape = this.getShape(element, parentShape);

  if (!parentShape) {
    this._canvas.setRootElement(shape, true);
  } else {
    if (is(shape, 'bpmn:SequenceFlow') || is(shape, 'bpmn:Association')) {
      this._canvas.addConnection(shape, parentShape);
    } else {
      this._canvas.addShape(shape, parentShape);

    // add label if necessary
    if (isLabelExternal(element) && {
      const label = this.getLabel(element);
      if (label) {
        this._canvas.addShape(label, parentShape);

  return shape;
github WPS / domain-story-modeler / app / domain-story-modeler / features / labeling / DSUpdateLabelHandler.js View on Github external
this.preExecute = function(ctx) {
      var element = ctx.element,
          businessObject = element.businessObject,
          newLabel = ctx.newLabel,

      if (!isLabel(element)
        && isLabelExternal(element)
        && !hasExternalLabel(element)
        && (newLabel !== '' || newNumber!=='')) {

        // create label
        var paddingTop = 7;

        var labelCenter = getExternalLabelMid(element);

        labelCenter = {
          x: labelCenter.x,
          y: labelCenter.y + paddingTop

        modeling.createLabel(element, labelCenter, {
          id: + '_label',
          businessObject: businessObject
github WPS / domain-story-modeler / app / domain-story-modeler / features / labeling / DSLabelEditingProvider.js View on Github external

  let context = {
    text: text

  // bounds
  let bounds = this.getEditingBBox(element);

  assign(context, bounds);

  let options = {};

  // external labels
  if (isLabelExternal(element)) {
    assign(options, {
      autoResize: true

  // text annotations
  if (is(element, TEXTANNOTATION)) {
    assign(options, {
      resizable: true,
      autoResize: true

  assign(context, {
    options: options
github WPS / domain-story-modeler / app / domain-story-modeler / features / labeling / DSUpdateLabelHandler.js View on Github external
this.postExecute = function(ctx) {
      var element = ctx.element,
          label = element.label || element,
          newLabel = ctx.newLabel,
          newBounds = ctx.newBounds;

      if (isLabel(label) && newLabel.trim() === '') {


      // ignore internal labels for elements except text annotations
      if (!isLabelExternal(element) && !is(element, TEXTANNOTATION)) {

      var bo = getBusinessObject(label);

      var text = || bo.text;

      // don't resize without text
      if (!text) {

      // resize element based on label _or_ pre-defined bounds
      if (typeof newBounds === 'undefined') {
        newBounds = textRenderer.getLayoutedBounds(label, text);