How to use the babel-runtime/core-js.Object function in babel-runtime

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few babel-runtime examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github wavesjs / waves-lfo / dist / sink / draw.js View on Github external
function Draw() {
    var previous = arguments[0] === undefined ? null : arguments[0];
    var options = arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1];

    _classCallCheck(this, Draw);

    this.type = "sink-draw";

    var defaults = {
      scroll: true,
      color: "#000000"

    _get(_core.Object.getPrototypeOf(Draw.prototype), "constructor", this).call(this, previous, options, defaults);

    if (!this.params.canvas) {
      return console.error("Please note: a canvas element is required for this module");

    // pubs
    this.scrolls = this.params.scroll;
    this.canvas = this.params.canvas;
    this.color = this.params.color;

    // privs
    this._buffer = document.createElement("canvas");
    this._buffer.width = this.canvas.width;
    this._buffer.height = this.canvas.height;

    this._buffCtx = this._buffer.getContext("2d");
github wavesjs / waves-ui / breakpoint.js View on Github external
value: function update(data) {
        _babelHelpers.get(_core.Object.getPrototypeOf(Breakpoint.prototype), "update", this).call(this, data);


        this.items = this.g.selectAll("." + this.param("unitClass")).data(, this.dataKey());

        // create line
        if (this.param("displayLine")) {
          this.line = this.d3.svg.line().interpolate(this.param("interpolate"));

          var path ="path");
          // create path if not exists
          if (!path[0][0]) {
            path = this.g.append("path");
          // remove line if no data
          if ( === 0) {
github numtel / mysql-live-select / lib / SelectHandle.js View on Github external
var queryBuffer = parent.selectBuffer[queryHash];

        if (queryBuffer) {
          _.pull(queryBuffer.handlers, this);

          if (queryBuffer.handlers.length === 0) {
            // No more query/params like this, remove from buffers
            delete parent.selectBuffer[queryHash];
            _.pull(parent.waitingToUpdate, queryHash);

            var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
            var _didIteratorError = false;
            var _iteratorError = undefined;

            try {
              for (var _iterator = _core.$for.getIterator(_core.Object.keys(parent.allTablesUsed)), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
                var table = _step.value;

                _.pull(parent.allTablesUsed[table], queryHash);
            } catch (err) {
              _didIteratorError = true;
              _iteratorError = err;
            } finally {
              try {
                if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator["return"]) {
              } finally {
                if (_didIteratorError) {
                  throw _iteratorError;
github ethanresnick / json-api / build / src / adapters / Mongoose / lib.js View on Github external
function resourceToDocObject(resource) {
  var res = _core.Object.assign({}, resource.attrs);
  var getId = function (it) {
  for (var key in resource.links) {
    var linkage = resource.links[key].linkage.value;

    // handle linkage when set explicitly for empty relationships
    if (linkage === null || Array.isArray(linkage) && linkage.length === 0) {
      res[key] = linkage;
    } else {
      res[key] = Array.isArray(linkage) ? :;
  return res;
github wavesjs / waves-ui / dist / components / waveform.js View on Github external
value: function load(base, d3) {
        _get(_core.Object.getPrototypeOf(Waveform.prototype), "load", this).call(this, base, d3);

        var sampleRate = this.sampleRate()();
        var data =;
        data = data instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Float32Array(data) : data;
        var duration = data.length / sampleRate;
        // bind rendering strategy
        var strategy = renderingStrategies[this.param("renderingStrategy")];
        this._update = strategy.update.bind(this);
        this._draw = strategy.draw.bind(this);
        // create partial xxScale
        this.xxScale = this.d3.scale.linear().range([0, duration]);

        // init worker
        // if (this.param('useWorker')) { this.initWorker(); }
github wavesjs / waves-ui / label.js View on Github external
value: function update(data) {
        _babelHelpers.get(_core.Object.getPrototypeOf(Label.prototype), "update", this).call(this, data);

        this.items = this.g.selectAll("." + this.param("unitClass")).data(, this.sortIndex());

        var sel = this.items.enter().append("g").classed("item", true).classed(this.param("unitClass"), true);

        sel.append("rect").attr("class", "bounding-box").attr("fill", "transparent");

        sel.append("text").attr("class", "text");

      writable: true,
github trekjs / route-mapper / lib / resources.js View on Github external
if (isRegExp(options[k])) {
            var _options;

            (_options = options, !, "constraints") && (_options.constraints = {}), _options.constraints)[k] = options[k];
            delete options[k];

        var scopeOptions = {};
        _core.Object.keys(options).forEach(function (k) {
          if (!RESOURCE_OPTIONS.includes(k)) {
            scopeOptions[k] = options[k];
            delete options[k];
        if (_core.Object.keys(scopeOptions).length) {
          this.scope(scopeOptions, function () {
            _this[method](resources.pop(), options, cb);
          return true;

        if (!this.isActionOptions(options)) {
          if (this.isScopeActionOptions()) {
            assign(options, this.scopeActionOptions());

        return false;
      writable: true,
github trekjs / route-mapper / lib / mapping.js View on Github external
var pathParams = ast.keys;

    options = this.normalizeOptions(options, formatted, pathParams, ast, context.get("module"));

    var contextConstraints = context.get("constraints");
    if (contextConstraints) {
      this.splitConstraints(ast.keys, contextConstraints);

    var constraints = this.constraints(options, pathParams);

    this.splitConstraints(pathParams, constraints);

    if (isObject(optionsConstraints)) {
      this.splitConstraints(pathParams, optionsConstraints);
      for (var _iterator = _core.$for.getIterator(_core.Object.keys(optionsConstraints)), _step; !(_step =;) {
        var k = _step.value;

        var v = optionsConstraints[k];
        if (URL_OPTIONS.includes(k) && (isString(v) || isNumber(v))) {
          var _defaults = this.defaults;
          var _k = k;
          if (!, _k)) _defaults[_k] = v;


    this.conditions.pathInfo = path;
    this.conditions.parsedPathInfo = ast;
github wavesjs / waves-ui / marker.js View on Github external
function Marker() {
    _babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, Marker);

    _babelHelpers.get(_core.Object.getPrototypeOf(Marker.prototype), "constructor", this).call(this);

    var defaults = {
      type: "marker",
      id: uniqueId(name),
      displayHandle: true

    this.opacity("0.7");[{ x: 0 }]);

    this.x(function (d) {
      var v = arguments[1] === undefined ? null : arguments[1];
      if (v !== null) {
github wavesjs / waves-ui / dist / timeline-states / context-edition-state.js View on Github external
function ContextEditionState(timeline) {
    _classCallCheck(this, ContextEditionState);

    _get(_core.Object.getPrototypeOf(ContextEditionState.prototype), "constructor", this).call(this, timeline);