How to use the @sentry/node.Integrations function in @sentry/node

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @sentry/node examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github coderplanets / coderplanets_web / services / sentry.js View on Github external
maxBreadcrumbs: 50,
    attachStacktrace: true,

  // When we're developing locally
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
    /* eslint-disable-next-line global-require */
    const sentryTestkit = require('sentry-testkit')
    const { sentryTransport } = sentryTestkit()

    // Don't actually send the errors to Sentry
    sentryOptions.transport = sentryTransport

    // Instead, dump the errors to the console
    sentryOptions.integrations = [
      new Sentry.Integrations.Debug({
        // Trigger DevTools debugger instead of using console.log
        debugger: false,


  return {
    captureException: (err, { req, res, errorInfo, query, pathname }) => {
      Sentry.configureScope(scope => {
        if (err.message) {
          // De-duplication currently doesn't work correctly for SSR / browser errors
          // so we force deduplication by error message if it is present
github TencentCloudBase / cloudbase-cli / bin / cloudbase.js View on Github external
            '您的 Node 版本较低,CloudBase CLI 可能无法正常运行,请升级 Node 到 v8.6.0 以上!\n'

// Sentry 错误上报
    release: pkg.version,
    dsn: '',
    httpsProxy: getProxy() || '',
    serverName: os.hostname(),
    // 忽略错误,正则匹配,
    // ignoreErrors: [],
    integrations: [
        new Sentry.Integrations.OnUnhandledRejection({
            mode: 'none'

// 检查更新
const ONE_DAY = 86400000
// Beta 版 1 个小时检查一次,稳定版 1 天检查一次
const CheckInterval = isBeta ? 3600000 : ONE_DAY

const notifier = updateNotifier({
    distTag: isBeta ? 'beta' : 'latest',
    // 检查更新间隔 1 天
    updateCheckInterval: CheckInterval
github ethereum-optimism / optimism / packages / data-transport-layer / src / services / server / service.ts View on Github external
private _initSentry() {
      dsn: this.options.sentryDsn,
      release: this.options.release,
      environment: this.options.ethNetworkName,
      integrations: [
        new Sentry.Integrations.Http({ tracing: true }),
        new Tracing.Integrations.Express({
      tracesSampleRate: this.options.sentryTraceRate,