How to use @node-wot/td-tools - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @node-wot/td-tools examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github eclipse / thingweb.node-wot / packages / core / src / td-generator.ts View on Github external
console.debug(`generateTD() found ${Object.keys(} Events`);
  for (let eventName in {
    let event =[eventName];

    // a form is generated for each address, supported protocol, and mediatype
    for (let address of Helpers.getAddresses()) {
      for (let type of ContentManager.getOfferedMediaTypes()) {
        for (let server of servient.getServers()) {
          // TODO get form directly from server, do not define URI paths here

          // if server is online !==-1 assign the href information
          if (server.getPort() !== -1 && server.scheme!=="mqtt") {
            let href: string = server.scheme + "://" + address + ":" + server.getPort() + "/" +;

            // depending on the resource pattern, uri is constructed
            let newForm = new TD.Form(href + "/events/" + eventName, type);
            if (server.scheme==="http") {
              newForm.subProtocol = "LongPoll";

            console.debug(`generateTD() assigns href '${href}' to Event '${eventName}'`);

    // in the case of mqtt the broker URI is used within the hrefs
    for (let server of servient.getServers()) {
      if(server.getPort() !== -1 && server.scheme=="mqtt") {
        for (let type of ContentManager.getOfferedMediaTypes()) {
github eclipse / thingweb.node-wot / packages / binding-mqtt / src / mqtt-broker-server.ts View on Github external
try {
              content = ContentSerdes.get().valueToContent(data,;
            } catch(err) {
              console.warn(`HttpServer on port ${this.getPort()} cannot process data for Event '${eventName}: ${err.message}'`);
              // subscription.unsubscribe();
            // send event data
            console.log(`MqttBrokerServer at ${this.brokerURI} publishing to Event topic '${eventName}' `);
  , content.body);

        let href = this.brokerURI + topic;
        let form = new TD.Form(href, ContentSerdes.DEFAULT);
        form.op = ["subscribeevent", "unsubscribeevent"];
        console.log(`MqttBrokerServer at ${this.brokerURI} assigns '${href}' to Event '${eventName}'`);

github eclipse / thingweb.node-wot / packages / core / src / td-generator.ts View on Github external

    // in the case of mqtt the broker URI is used within the hrefs
    for (let server of servient.getServers()) {
      if(server.getPort() !== -1 && server.scheme=="mqtt") {
        for (let type of ContentManager.getOfferedMediaTypes()) {
          // cast since MqttBrokerServer offers a getAddress
          let href: string = server.scheme + "://" + server.getAddress() + ":" + server.getPort() + "/" +;
          // TODO: add mqtt based vocabularies (qos, retain) to the forms
          // depending on the resource pattern, uri is constructed
          event.forms.push(new TD.Form(href + "/events/" + eventName, type));
          console.debug(`generateTD() assigns href '${href}' to Event '${eventName}'`);


  return boundThing;
github eclipse / thingweb.node-wot / packages / core / src / consumed-thing.ts View on Github external
if (!client) {
                reject(new Error(`ConsumedThing '${this.getThing().name}' did not get suitable client for ${form.href}`));
            } else {
                console.log(`ConsumedThing '${this.getThing().name}' writing ${form.href} with '${value}'`);
                let content = ContentSerdes.valueToContent(value, form.mediaType);

                client.writeResource(form, content).then(() => {
                .catch(err => { reject(err); });

class ConsumedThingAction extends TD.ActionFragment implements WoT.ThingAction {

    // functions for wrapping internal state
    private getName: () => string;
    private getThing: () => ConsumedThing;

    constructor(name: string, thing: ConsumedThing) {

        // wrap internal state into functions to not be stringified in TD
        this.getName = () => { return name; }
        this.getThing = () => { return thing; }

    run(parameter?: any): Promise {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            let { client, form } = this.getThing().getClientFor(this.forms);
github eclipse / thingweb.node-wot / packages / core / src / exposed-thing.ts View on Github external
/** WoT.ThingAction interface: invoke this Action locally (async) */
    public invoke(parameter?: any): Promise {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            console.debug(`ExposedThing '${this.getThing().name}' has Action state of '${this.getName()}':`, this.getState());

            if (this.getState().handler != null) {
                console.log(`ExposedThing '${this.getThing().name}' calls registered handler for Action '${this.getName()}'`);
            } else {
                reject(new Error(`ExposedThing '${this.getThing().name}' has no handler for Action '${this.getName()}'`));

class ExposedThingEvent extends TD.EventFragment implements WoT.ThingEvent, WoT.BaseSchema {
    // functions for wrapping internal state
    getName: () => string;
    getThing: () => ExposedThing;
    getState: () => EventState;

    constructor(name: string, thing: ExposedThing) {

        // wrap internal state into functions to not be stringified
        this.getName = () => { return name; }
        this.getThing = () => { return thing; }
        this.getState = (new class {
            state: EventState = new EventState();
            getInternalState = () => { return this.state };
github eclipse / thingweb.node-wot / packages / core / src / exposed-thing.ts View on Github external
/** @inheritDoc */
    setActionHandler(actionName: string, action: WoT.ActionHandler): WoT.ExposedThing {
        console.log(`ExposedThing '${}' setting action Handler for '${actionName}'`);

        if (this.actions[actionName]) {
            // in case of function instead of lambda, the handler is bound to a clean scope of the ActionState
            this.actions[actionName].getState().handler = action.bind(this.actions[actionName].getState().scope);
        } else {
            throw Error(`ExposedThing '${}' cannot set action handler for unknown '${actionName}'`);
        return this;

class ExposedThingProperty extends TD.PropertyFragment implements WoT.ThingProperty, WoT.BaseSchema {

    // functions for wrapping internal state
    getName: () => string;
    getThing: () => ExposedThing;
    getState: () => PropertyState;

    constructor(name: string, thing: ExposedThing) {

        // wrap internal state into functions to not be stringified in TD
        this.getName = () => { return name; }
        this.getThing = () => { return thing; }
        this.getState = (new class {
            state: PropertyState = new PropertyState();
            getInternalState = () => { return this.state };
github eclipse / thingweb.node-wot / packages / core / src / exposed-thing.ts View on Github external
/** notify state change */
                if (this.getState().value!==value) {
                this.getState().value = value;

    public subscribe(next?: (value: any) => void, error?: (error: any) => void, complete?: () => void): Subscription {
        return this.getState().subject.asObservable().subscribe(next, error, complete);

class ExposedThingAction extends TD.ActionFragment implements WoT.ThingAction {
    // functions for wrapping internal state
    getName: () => string;
    getThing: () => ExposedThing;
    getState: () => ActionState;

    constructor(name: string, thing: ExposedThing) {

        // wrap internal state into functions to not be stringified
        this.getName = () => { return name; }
        this.getThing = () => { return thing; }
        this.getState = (new class {
            state: ActionState = new ActionState();
            getInternalState = () => { return this.state };
github eclipse / thingweb.node-wot / packages / core / src / consumed-thing.ts View on Github external
input = ContentSerdes.valueToContent(parameter, form.mediaType);

                client.invokeResource(form, input).then((output: any) => {
                    // infer media type from form if not in response metadata
                    if (!output.mediaType) output.mediaType = form.mediaType;
                    let value = ContentSerdes.contentToValue(output);
                .catch(err => { reject(err); });

class ConsumedThingEvent extends TD.EventFragment implements Subscribable {

    // functions for wrapping internal state
    private getName: () => string;
    private getThing: () => ConsumedThing;

    constructor(name: string, thing: ConsumedThing) {

        // wrap internal state into functions to not be stringified in TD
        this.getName = () => { return name; }
        this.getThing = () => { return thing; }

    public subscribe(next: ((value: any) => void), error?: (error: any) => void, complete?: () => void): Subscription {

        let { client, form } = this.getThing().getClientFor(this.forms);
github eclipse / thingweb.node-wot / packages / core / src / consumed-thing.ts View on Github external
//     return this.observablesEvent.get(name).asObservable();
    // }

    // onTDChange(): Observable {
    //     return this.observablesTDChange.asObservable();
    // }


export interface ClientAndForm {
    client: ProtocolClient
    form: WoT.Form

class ConsumedThingProperty extends TD.PropertyFragment implements WoT.ThingProperty, WoT.BaseSchema {

    // functions for wrapping internal state
    private getName: () => string;
    private getThing: () => ConsumedThing;

    constructor(name: string, thing: ConsumedThing) {

        // wrap internal state into functions to not be stringified in TD
        this.getName = () => { return name; }
        this.getThing = () => { return thing; }

    // get and set interface for the Property
    get(): Promise {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
github eclipse / thingweb.node-wot / packages / core / src / wot-impl.ts View on Github external
addDefaultLanguage(thing: any) {
        // add @language : "en" if no @language set
        if(Array.isArray(thing["@context"])) {
          let arrayContext: Array = thing["@context"];
          let languageSet = false;
          for (let arrayEntry of arrayContext) {
            if(typeof arrayEntry == "object") {
              if(arrayEntry["@language"] !== undefined) {
                languageSet = true;
          if(!languageSet) {
              "@language": TD.DEFAULT_CONTEXT_LANGUAGE


W3C Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description parser, serializer, and other tools

EPL-2.0 OR W3C-20150513
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