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import { AgmMarker } from '@agm/core';
source code set hover to emit object { coord:{..}}
this code modify the prototype of AgmMarker._addEventListeners function
the modification is to emit the marker itself along with coord so we can
have access to props of 'marker' such as marker.infoWindow
AgmMarker.prototype._addEventListeners = function () {
var _this = this;
var cs = this._markerManager.createEventObservable('click', this).subscribe(function () {
if (_this.openInfoWindow) {
_this.infoWindow.forEach(function (infoWindow) { return; });
var ds = this._markerManager.createEventObservable('dragend', this)
.subscribe(function (e) {
_this.dragEnd.emit({ coords: { lat:, lng: e.latLng.lng() } });
var mover = this._markerManager.createEventObservable('mouseover', this)
.subscribe(function (e) {
//added target: _this to be emitted when hover